Steam Engines MCQ Practice Tests - Set 05 - ObjectiveBooks

Steam Engines MCQ Practice Tests - Set 05

Practice Test: Question Set - 05

1. The equivalent evaporation is defined as
    (A) The ratio of heat actually used in producing the steam to the heat liberated in the furnace
    (B) The amount of water evaporated or steam produced in kg per kg of fuel burnt
    (C) The amount of water evaporated from and at 100°C into dry and saturated steam
    (D) The evaporation of 15.653 kg of water per hour from and at 100°C

2. Steam engine operates on
    (A) Carnot cycle
    (B) Joule cycle
    (C) Stirling cycle
    (D) Brayton cycle

3. De-Laval turbines are mostly used
    (A) Where low speeds are required
    (B) For small power purposes and low speeds
    (C) For large power purposes
    (D) For small power purposes and high speeds

4. In a Tandem type compound engine, the high pressure and low pressure cylinders
    (A) Have common piston rod
    (B) Are set at 90°
    (C) Have separate piston rods
    (D) Are set in V-arrangement

5. Pick up the correct statement as regards Cornish boiler and Lancashire boiler
    (A) Cornish is fire tube and Lancashire is water tube
    (B) Cornish is water tube and Lancashire is fire tube
    (C) Cornish has two fire tubes and Lancashire has one
    (D) Lancashire has two fire tubes and Cornish has one

6. Blading efficiency is also known as
    (A) Stage efficiency
    (B) Diagram efficiency
    (C) Nozzle efficiency
    (D) None of these

7. In a single acting steam engine
    (A) The steam is admitted on one side of the piston and one working stroke is produced during each revolution of the crankshaft
    (B) The steam is admitted, in turn, on both sides of the piston and one working stroke is produced during each revolution of the crankshaft
    (C) The steam is admitted on one side of the piston and two working strokes are produced during each revolution of the crankshaft
    (D) The steam is admitted, in turn, on both sides of the piston and two working strokes are produced during each revolution of the crankshaft

8. Boiler H.P. is defined as the
    (A) Steam evaporation rate per kg of fuel fired
    (B) Work done in evaporating 1 kg of steam per hour from and at 100°C into dry saturated steam
    (C) The evaporation of 15.65 kg of water per hour from and at 100°C into dry saturated steam
    (D) Work done by 1 kg of steam at saturation condition

9. Steam turbines may be classified according to
    (A) Direction of steam flow
    (B) Number of stages
    (C) Mode of steam action
    (D) All of these

10. The fire tubes in a Locomotive boiler has __________ diameter.
    (A) 4.75 mm
    (B) 5.47 mm
    (C) 7.45 mm
    (D) 47.5 mm

11. The safety valve at superheater as compared to drum safety valve setting is set at
    (A) Higher value
    (B) Lower value
    (C) Same value
    (D) Any value

12. In a compound steam engine, the first stage of expansion is carried out in a high pressure cylinder whereas the last expansion is completed in low pressure cylinder. The diameter of high pressure cylinder is _________ the low pressure cylinder.
    (A) Equal to
    (B) Less than
    (C) More than
    (D) None of these

13. For combustion of a fuel, following is essential
    (A) Correct fuel air ratio
    (B) Proper ignition temperature
    (C) O₂ to support combustion
    (D) All the three above

14. In an impulse reaction turbine, the pressure drops gradually and continuously over
    (A) Fixed blades
    (B) Moving blades
    (C) Both fixed and moving blades
    (D) None of these

15. The efficiency of a boiler is defined as
    (A) Ratio of heat actually used in producing steam to the heat liberated in the furnace
    (B) Ratio of the mass of steam produced to the mass of total water supplied in a given time
    (C) Ratio of the heat liberated in the furnace to the heat actually used in producing steam
    (D) None of the above

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