Practice Test: Question Set - 06
1. The pressure compounded impulse turbine as compared to velocity compounded turbine require __________ number of stages.
- (A) Same
- (B) Less
- (C) More
- (D) None
of these
2. The safety valve on boiler drum compared to safety valve on superheater is set at
- (A) Same value
- (B) Higher value
- (C) Lower value
- (D) Lower/higher depending on steam flow
3. Degree of reaction is defined as the ratio of
- (A) Heat
drop in fixed blades to the heat drop in moving blades
- (B) Heat
drop in moving blades to the heat drop in fixed blades
- (C) Heat
drop in moving blades to the heat drop in fixed blades plus heat drop in moving blades
- (D) Heat
drop in fixed blades plus heat
drop in moving blades to the heat drop in moving blades
4. Which of the following statement is correct?
- (A) A
horizontal steam engine requires less floor area than a vertical steam engine
- (B) The
steam pressure in the cylinder is not allowed to fall below the atmospheric
- (C) The
compound steam engines are generally non-condensing steam engines
- (D) All of the
5. A nozzle is said to be a convergent nozzle
- (A) When
the cross-section of the nozzle increases continuously from entrance to exit
- (B) When
the cross-section of the nozzle decreases continuously from entrance to exit
- (C) When
the cross-section of the nozzle first decreases from entrance to throat and
then increases from its throat to exit
- (D) None of the
6. Which of the following statement is wrong?
- (A) Locomotive
boiler is a water tube boiler
- (B) Water
tube boilers are internally fired
- (C) Lamont
boiler is a low pressure water tube boiler
- (D) All
of the above
7. Film boiling occurs at
- (A) Very low pressure
- (B) Atmospheric pressures
- (C) Medium pressures
- (D) Very high pressures
8. The discharge is __________ at critical pressure.
- (A) Zero
- (B) Minimum
- (C) Maximum
- (D) None of
9. An air preheater is installed
- (A) Before
the economiser
- (B) Before
the superheater
- (C) Between
the economiser and chimney
- (D) None
of these
10. Coke is produced by
- (A) Pulverizing coal in
inert atmosphere
- (B) Heating wood in a limited supply of air at
temperatures below 300°C
- (C) Strongly heating coal continuously for
about 48 hours in the absence of air in a closed vessel
- (D) Enriching carbon in
the coal
11. The variation of steam pressure in the nozzle depends upon
- (A) Velocity
of steam
- (B) Specific
volume of steam
- (C) Dryness
fraction of steam
- (D) All
of these
12. A safety valve mainly used with locomotive and marine boilers is
- (A) Lever
safety valve
- (B) Dead weight
safety valve
- (C) High
steam and low water safety valve
- (D) Spring
loaded safety valve
13. In a throttling process
- (A) Steam temperature
remains constant
- (B) Steam pressure
remains constant
- (C) Steam enthalpy
remains constant
- (D) Steam entropy remains
14. De-Laval turbine is a
- (A) Simple
impulse turbine
- (B) Simple
reaction turbine
- (C) Impulse-reaction
- (D) None
of these
15. When steam after doing work in the cylinder passes into a condenser, the engine is said to be a
- (A) Slow
speed engine
- (B) Vertical
steam engine
- (C) Condensing
steam engine
- (D) Non-condensing
steam engine
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