Practice Test: Question Set - 02
1. The primary unbalanced force due to inertia of reciprocating parts in a reciprocating engine is given by (where m = Mass of reciprocating parts, ω = Angular speed of crank, r = Radius of crank, θ = Angle of inclination of crank with the line of stroke, and n = Ratio of the length of connecting rod to radius of crank)
- (A) m.ω².r
- (B) m.ω².r
- (C) m.ω².r
(sin 2θ/n)
- (D) m.ω².r
(cos 2θ/n)
2. The steering of a ship means
- (A) Movement
of a complete ship up and down in vertical plane about transverse axis
- (B) Turning
of a complete ship in a curve towards right or left, while it moves forward
- (C) Rolling
of a complete ship sideways
- (D) None of the
3. The height of a Watt's governor is
- (A) Directly
proportional to speed
- (B) Directly
proportional to (speed)²
- (C) Inversely
proportional to speed
- (D) Inversely
proportional to (speed)²
4. In a differential band brake as shown in the below figure, if the length OB is greater than OA, then the force P at C should act in the downward direction.
- (A) Yes
- (B) No
- (C) Unpredictable
- (D) None of
5. A slider crank chain consists of following numbers of turning and sliding pairs
- (A) 1, 3
- (B) 2, 2
- (C) 3, 1
- (D) 4, 0
6. Kinematic pairs are those which have
- (A) Point
or line contact between the two elements when in motion
- (B) Surface
contact between the two elements when in motion
- (C) Elements
of pairs not held together mechanically
- (D) Two
elements that permit relative motion
7. The displacement of the reciprocating roller follower, when it has contact with the straight flanks of the tangent cam, is given by (where r₁ = Minimum radius of the cam, r₂ = Radius of the roller follower, and θ = Angle turned by the cam from the beginning of the follower displacement)
- (A) (r₁
- r₂) (1 - cosθ)
- (B) (r₁
+ r₂) (1 + cosθ)
- (C) (r₁
- r₂) [(1 - cosθ)/cosθ]
- (D) (r₁
+ r₂) [(1 - cosθ)/cosθ]
8. Longitudinal vibrations are said to occur when the particles of a body moves
- (A) Perpendicular
to its axis
- (B) Parallel to
its axis
- (C) In a circle
about its axis
- (D) None of
9. When brakes are applied to all the four wheels of a moving car, the distance traveled by the car before it is brought to rest, will be
- (A) Maximum
- (B) Minimum
- (C) Zero
- (D) None of
10. In a drag link quick return mechanism, the shortest link is always fixed. The sum of the shortest and longest link is
- (A) Equal
to sum of other two
- (B) Greater than sum of other two
- (C) Less than sum of other two
- (D) There
is no such relationship
11. The frictional torque transmitted in a conical pivot bearing, considering uniform wear, is
- (A) (1/2) μ W R cosecα
- (B) (2/3) μ W R cosecα
- (C) (3/4) μ W R cosecα
- (D) μ W
R cosecα
12. In vibration isolation system, if ω/ωn > 1, then the phase difference between the transmitted force and the disturbing force is
- (A) 0°
- (B) 90°
- (C) 180°
- (D) 270°
13. The ratio of height of Porter governor (when length of arms and links are equal) to the height of Watt's governor is (where m = Mass of the ball, and M = Mass on the sleeve)
- (A) m/(m + M)
- (B) M/(m + M)
- (C) (m +
- (D) (m +
14. In a shaper mechanism, the Coriolis component of acceleration will
- (A) Not exist
- (B) Exist
- (C) Depend
on position of crank
- (D) None
of the above
15. In a steam engine, one method of obtaining the earlier cut-off with a simple slide valve is by increasing the angle of advance of the eccentric while the throw of the eccentric, steam lap and exhaust lap are kept constant. This method will
- (A) Cause
withdrawing or throttling of steam
- (B) Reduce
length of effective stroke of piston
- (C) Reduce
maximum opening of port to steam
- (D) All
of these
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