Practice Test: Question Set - 01
1. John sold a cycle to Michel at a gain of 15%, Michel sold it to Robin at a gain of 20%. If Robin paid Rs. 897, then John would have paid
- (A) Rs.
- (B) Rs. 1210
- (C) Rs. 750
- (D) Rs. 650
2. What is the single profit equivalent to two successive profits of 20% and 15%?
- (A) 38%
- (B) 35%
- (C) 30%
- (D) 20%
3. In purchasing and selling articles, a shopkeeper cheats both the seller and the buyer by 10%. His percent gain is
- (A) 21%
- (B) 20%
- (C) 15%
- (D) 10%
4. By selling an article for Rs. 3640, a man loses 9%. His gain or loss percent if he sells it for Rs. 4200 is
- (A) No
loss no gain
- (B) Loss 5%
- (C) Gain 5%
- (D) Gain 7.5%
5. If the selling price of an article is 4/3 times its cost price, the profit percent is
- (A) 33 1/3 %
- (B) 31 7/5 %
- (C) 33 7/5 %
- (D) 30 1/3 %
6. By selling 15 mangoes, a fruit seller gains the selling price of 3 mangoes. His gain is
- (A) 25%
- (B) 16%
- (C) 24%
- (D) 27%
7. By selling an article for Rs. 19.50 a dealer makes a profit of 30% by how much should he increase his selling price so as to make a profit of 40%?
- (A) Rs. 2
- (B) Rs. 1.50
- (C) Rs. 3.24
- (D) Rs. 3. 50
8. A man bought a horse and sold it at a gain of 10%. If he had bought the horse at 20% less and sold it for Rs. 100 more, he would have a profit of 40%. The C.P. of the horse is
- (A) Rs. 2000
- (B) Rs. 4000
- (C) Rs. 5000
- (D) Rs. 6000
9. A fruit seller purchases oranges at the rate of 3 for Rs. 5 and sells them at 2 for Rs. 4. His profit in the transaction is
- (A) 20%
- (B) 30%
- (C) 35%
- (D) 31%
10. A man bought 50 dozen eggs of a rate of Rs. 4 per dozen. He finds 40 eggs rotten. In order to gain 5%, he should sell eggs at
- (A) Rs. 4.50 per
- (B) Rs. 5 per
- (C) Rs. 5.50 per
- (D) Rs. 6.50 per
11. If the selling price of 18 articles is equal to the CP of 21 articles the loss or gain percent
- (A) 16 ⅔ % losses
- (B) 16 ½ % profit
- (C) 15 ⅔ % losses
- (D) 16% profit
12. If by selling 100 mangoes the CP of 120 mangoes is realized the gain percent is
- (A) 2 1/11 %
- (B) 9 1/11 %
- (C) 6 1/11 %
- (D) 5 1/11 %
13. If the cost price of 20 articles is equal to the selling price of 25 articles. The loss percent in the transaction is
- (A) 5%
- (B) 20%
- (C) 25%
- (D) 30%
14. A man sells 320 mangoes at the cost price of 400 mangoes. His gain percent is
- (A) 25%
- (B) 20%
- (C) 10%
- (D) 15%
15. Profit earned by selling an article for Rs. 1060 is 20% more than the loss incurred by selling the article for Rs. 950. At what price should the article be sold to earn 20% profit?
- (A) Rs.1800
- (B) Rs.1080
- (C) Rs.1000
- (D) Rs.1200
Profit and Loss: Next Tests