On-line General Knowledge Test - GK National basic: Section 2 - ObjectiveBooks

On-line General Knowledge Test - GK National basic: Section 2

G.K. Practice Test: Question Set - 07

1. Which of the following passes through India?
    (A) Tropic of Capricorn
    (B) Tropic of Cancer
    (C) Equator
    (D) 0° Longitude

2. The colors of the Indian flag is ascending order of
    (A) Saffron, white and green
    (B) White, green and saffron
    (C) Green, white and saffron
    (D) Saffron, green and white

3. Mahatma Gandhi started his first Satyagraha on the Indian soil in 1917 at
    (A) Ahmadabad
    (B) Champaran
    (C) Sabarmati
    (D) Bardoli

4. India House is located in
    (A) London
    (B) New Delhi
    (C) Mumbai
    (D) Kolkata

5. The Capital of Mizoram is
    (A) Imphal
    (B) Shillong
    (C) Kohima
    (D) Aizawl

6. Where is the Punjab Lalit Kala Academy located?
    (A) Muktasar
    (B) Ludhiana
    (C) Patiala
    (D) Chandigarh

7. Tripitik is the scripture of _________.
    (A) Jain religion
    (B) Hindu religion
    (C) Buddhishtha religion
    (D) Muslim religion

8. Which of the following is common in both, Buddhism and Jainism?
    (A) Nonviolence
    (B) Violence
    (C) Triratna
    (D) Truth

9. Light-year measures which of the following?
    (A) Intensity of light
    (B) Mass
    (C) Time
    (D) Distance

10. Who among the following was involved in Alipore bomb case?
    (A) Aravind Ghosh
    (B) P. C. Banerjee
    (C) Bipin Chandra Paul
    (D) Chandrashekhar Azad

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GK National : Section 2
Set 01     Set 02     Set 03     Set 04     Set 05     Set 06     Set 07