Practice Test: Question Set - 24
1. According to Regnault's law, the specific heat at constant pressure (cp) and specific heat at constant volume (cv) _________ with the change in pressure and temperature of the gas.
- (A) Change
- (B) Do not
- (C) Both (A) and
- (D) None of
2. Which of the following is correct?
- (A) Absolute
pressure = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric pressure
- (B) Gauge
pressure = Absolute pressure + Atmospheric pressure
- (C) Atmospheric
pressure = Absolute pressure + Gauge pressure
- (D) Absolute
pressure = Gauge pressure - Atmospheric pressure
3. The general gas energy equation is (where Q1 - 2 = Heat supplied, dU = Change in internal energy, and W1 - 2 = Work done in heat units)
- (A) Q1 - 2 = dU + W1 - 2
- (B) Q1
- 2 = dU - W1 - 2
- (C) Q1
- 2 = dU/W1 - 2
- (D) Q1
- 2 = dU × W1 - 2
4. The natural solid fuel is
- (A) Wood
- (B) Coke
- (C) Anthracite
- (D) Pulverized
5. In an ideal gas turbine plant, it is assumed that the compression and expansion processes are
- (A) Isothermal
- (B) Isentropic
- (C) Polytropic
- (D) None of
6. The natural petroleum may be separated into
- (A) Petrol
- (B) Kerosene
- (C) Fuel oil
- (D) Lubricating
7. According to Kelvin-Planck's statement of second law of thermodynamics,
- (A) It is
impossible to construct an engine working on a cyclic process, whose sole
purpose is to convert heat energy into work
- (B) It is
possible to construct an engine working on a cyclic process, whose sole purpose
is to convert heat energy into work
- (C) It is
impossible to construct a device which operates in a cyclic process and
produces no effect other than the transfer of heat from a cold body to a hot
- (D) None of the
8. The pressure exerted by an ideal gas is ________ of the kinetic energy of all the molecules contained in a unit volume of gas.
- (A) One-half
- (B) One-third
- (C) Two-third
- (D) Three-fourth
9. When a gas is heated, change takes place in
- (A) Pressure
- (B) Volume
- (C) Temperature
- (D) All of these
10. The property of a working substance which increases or decreases as the heat is supplied or removed in a reversible manner, is known as
- (A) Enthalpy
- (B) Internal
- (C) Entropy
- (D) External energy
11. The fuel mostly used in steam boilers is
- (A) Brown coal
- (B) Peat
- (C) Coking
bituminous coal
- (D) Non-coking
bituminous coal
12. The heat absorbed or rejected by the working substance is given by (where ds = Increase or decrease of entropy, T = Absolute temperature, and dQ = Heat absorbed or rejected)
- (A) δQ = T.ds
- (B) δQ = T/ds
- (C) dQ = ds/T
- (D) None of
13. The gas constant (R) is equal to the
- (A) Sum of two
specific heats
- (B) Difference
of two specific heats
- (C) Product of
two specific heats
- (D) Ratio
of two specific heats
14. A process, in which the gas is heated or expanded in such a way that the product of its pressure and volume remains constant, is called
- (A) Isothermal
- (B) Hyperbolic
- (C) Adiabatic
- (D) Polytropic
15. The efficiency of the dual combustion cycle for the same compression ratio is __________ Diesel cycle.
- (A) Greater than
- (B) Less than
- (C) Equal to
- (D) None of
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