Engineering Thermodynamics Questions And Answers - Set 24 - ObjectiveBooks

Engineering Thermodynamics Questions And Answers - Set 24

Practice Test: Question Set - 24

1. According to Regnault's law, the specific heat at constant pressure (cp) and specific heat at constant volume (cv) _________ with the change in pressure and temperature of the gas.
    (A) Change
    (B) Do not change
    (C) Both (A) and (B)
    (D) None of these

2. Which of the following is correct?
    (A) Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric pressure
    (B) Gauge pressure = Absolute pressure + Atmospheric pressure
    (C) Atmospheric pressure = Absolute pressure + Gauge pressure
    (D) Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure - Atmospheric pressure

3. The general gas energy equation is (where Q1 - 2 = Heat supplied, dU = Change in internal energy, and W1 - 2 = Work done in heat units)
    (A) Q1 - 2 = dU + W1 - 2
    (B) Q1 - 2 = dU - W1 - 2
    (C) Q1 - 2 = dU/W1 - 2
    (D) Q1 - 2 = dU × W1 - 2

4. The natural solid fuel is
    (A) Wood
    (B) Coke
    (C) Anthracite coal
    (D) Pulverized coal

5. In an ideal gas turbine plant, it is assumed that the compression and expansion processes are
    (A) Isothermal
    (B) Isentropic
    (C) Polytropic
    (D) None of these

6. The natural petroleum may be separated into
    (A) Petrol
    (B) Kerosene
    (C) Fuel oil
    (D) Lubricating oil

7. According to Kelvin-Planck's statement of second law of thermodynamics,
    (A) It is impossible to construct an engine working on a cyclic process, whose sole purpose is to convert heat energy into work
    (B) It is possible to construct an engine working on a cyclic process, whose sole purpose is to convert heat energy into work
    (C) It is impossible to construct a device which operates in a cyclic process and produces no effect other than the transfer of heat from a cold body to a hot body
    (D) None of the above

8. The pressure exerted by an ideal gas is ________ of the kinetic energy of all the molecules contained in a unit volume of gas.
    (A) One-half
    (B) One-third
    (C) Two-third
    (D) Three-fourth

9. When a gas is heated, change takes place in
    (A) Pressure
    (B) Volume
    (C) Temperature
    (D) All of these

10. The property of a working substance which increases or decreases as the heat is supplied or removed in a reversible manner, is known as
    (A) Enthalpy
    (B) Internal energy
    (C) Entropy
    (D) External energy

11. The fuel mostly used in steam boilers is
    (A) Brown coal
    (B) Peat
    (C) Coking bituminous coal
    (D) Non-coking bituminous coal

12. The heat absorbed or rejected by the working substance is given by (where ds = Increase or decrease of entropy, T = Absolute temperature, and dQ = Heat absorbed or rejected)
    (A) δQ = T.ds
    (B) δQ = T/ds
    (C) dQ = ds/T
    (D) None of these

13. The gas constant (R) is equal to the
    (A) Sum of two specific heats
    (B) Difference of two specific heats
    (C) Product of two specific heats
    (D) Ratio of two specific heats

14. A process, in which the gas is heated or expanded in such a way that the product of its pressure and volume remains constant, is called
    (A) Isothermal process
    (B) Hyperbolic process
    (C) Adiabatic process
    (D) Polytropic process

15. The efficiency of the dual combustion cycle for the same compression ratio is __________ Diesel cycle.
    (A) Greater than
    (B) Less than
    (C) Equal to
    (D) None of these

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