Practice Test: Question Set - 28
1. Work-done in a free expansion process is
- (A) Zero
- (B) Minimum
- (C) Maximum
- (D) Positive
2. Kelvin-Planck's law deals with
- (A) Conservation
of work
- (B) Conservation
of heat
- (C) Conversion
of heat into work
- (D) Conversion
of work into heat
3. Second law of thermodynamics defines
- (A) Heat
- (B) Work
- (C) Internal
- (D) Entropy
4. Which of the following gas has the highest calorific value?
- (A) Coal gas
- (B) Producer gas
- (C) Mond gas
- (D) Blast
furnace gas
5. One reversible heat engine operates between 1600 K and T2 K and another reversible heat engine operates between T2 K and 400 K. If both the engines have the same heat input and output, then temperature T2 is equal to
- (A) 800 K
- (B) 1000 K
- (C) 1200 K
- (D) 1400 K
6. According to Kelvin-Planck's statement, a perpetual motion of the __________ is impossible.
- (A) First kind
- (B) Second kind
- (C) Third kind
- (D) None of
7. The value of one bar (in S. I. units) is equal to
- (A) 1 × 102 N/m2
- (B) 1 × 103 N/m2
- (C) 1 × 104 N/m2
- (D) 1 × 105 N/m2
8. The value of gas constant (R) in S. I. units is
- (A) 0.287 J/kgK
- (B) 2.87 J/kgK
- (C) 28.7 J/kgK
- (D) 287 J/kgK
9. The compression ratio for Diesel engines is
- (A) 3 to 6
- (B) 5 to 8
- (C) 15 to 20
- (D) 20 to 30
10. The ratio of molar specific heats for mono-atomic gas is
- (A) 1
- (B) 1.4
- (C) 1.67
- (D) 1.87
11. Steam coal is a
- (A) Pulverized
- (B) Brown coal
- (C) Coking
bituminous coal
- (D) Non-coking
bituminous coal
12. When a gas is heated at constant pressure
- (A) Its
temperature will increase
- (B) Its volume
will increase
- (C) Both
temperature and volume will increase
- (D) Neither
temperature not volume will increase
13. Diesel cycle consists of __________ processes.
- (A) Two
constant volume and two isentropic
- (B) Two
constant pressure and two isentropic
- (C) Two
constant volume and two isothermal
- (D) One
constant pressure, one constant volume and two isentropic
14. Select the wrong statement
- (A) A
Joule cycle consists of two constant volume and two isentropic processes.
- (B) An Otto
cycle consists of two constant volume and two isentropic processes.
- (C) An Ericsson
cycle consists of two constant pressure and two isothermal processes.
- (D) All of the
15. The compression ratio is the ratio of
- (A) Swept volume
to total volume
- (B) Total
volume to swept volume
- (C) Swept
volume to clearance volume
- (D) Total
volume to clearance volume
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