Engineering Thermodynamics Questions And Answers - Set 28 - ObjectiveBooks

Engineering Thermodynamics Questions And Answers - Set 28

Practice Test: Question Set - 28

1. Work-done in a free expansion process is
    (A) Zero
    (B) Minimum
    (C) Maximum
    (D) Positive

2. Kelvin-Planck's law deals with
    (A) Conservation of work
    (B) Conservation of heat
    (C) Conversion of heat into work
    (D) Conversion of work into heat

3. Second law of thermodynamics defines
    (A) Heat
    (B) Work
    (C) Internal energy
    (D) Entropy

4. Which of the following gas has the highest calorific value?
    (A) Coal gas
    (B) Producer gas
    (C) Mond gas
    (D) Blast furnace gas

5. One reversible heat engine operates between 1600 K and T2 K and another reversible heat engine operates between T2 K and 400 K. If both the engines have the same heat input and output, then temperature T2 is equal to
    (A) 800 K
    (B) 1000 K
    (C) 1200 K
    (D) 1400 K

6. According to Kelvin-Planck's statement, a perpetual motion of the __________ is impossible.
    (A) First kind
    (B) Second kind
    (C) Third kind
    (D) None of these

7. The value of one bar (in S. I. units) is equal to
    (A) 1 × 102 N/m2
    (B) 1 × 103 N/m2
    (C) 1 × 104 N/m2
    (D) 1 × 105 N/m2

8. The value of gas constant (R) in S. I. units is
    (A) 0.287 J/kgK
    (B) 2.87 J/kgK
    (C) 28.7 J/kgK
    (D) 287 J/kgK

9. The compression ratio for Diesel engines is
    (A) 3 to 6
    (B) 5 to 8
    (C) 15 to 20
    (D) 20 to 30

10. The ratio of molar specific heats for mono-atomic gas is
    (A) 1
    (B) 1.4
    (C) 1.67
    (D) 1.87

11. Steam coal is a
    (A) Pulverized coal
    (B) Brown coal
    (C) Coking bituminous coal
    (D) Non-coking bituminous coal

12. When a gas is heated at constant pressure
    (A) Its temperature will increase
    (B) Its volume will increase
    (C) Both temperature and volume will increase
    (D) Neither temperature not volume will increase

13. Diesel cycle consists of __________ processes.
    (A) Two constant volume and two isentropic
    (B) Two constant pressure and two isentropic
    (C) Two constant volume and two isothermal
    (D) One constant pressure, one constant volume and two isentropic

14. Select the wrong statement
    (A) A Joule cycle consists of two constant volume and two isentropic processes.
    (B) An Otto cycle consists of two constant volume and two isentropic processes.
    (C) An Ericsson cycle consists of two constant pressure and two isothermal processes.
    (D) All of the above

15. The compression ratio is the ratio of
    (A) Swept volume to total volume
    (B) Total volume to swept volume
    (C) Swept volume to clearance volume
    (D) Total volume to clearance volume

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