Practice Test: Question Set - 17
1. Otto cycle is also known as
- (A) Constant
pressure cycle
- (B) Constant
volume cycle
- (C) Constant
temperature cycle
- (D) Constant
temperature and pressure cycle
2. The heat and mechanical energies are mutually convertible. This statement was established by
- (A) Boyle
- (B) Charles
- (C) Joule
- (D) None of
3. The heat and work are mutually convertible. This statement is called __________ law of thermodynamics.
- (A) Zeroth
- (B) First
- (C) Second
- (D) Third
4. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water through one Kelvin is called
- (A) Specific
heat at constant volume
- (B) Specific
heat at constant pressure
- (C) kilo-Joule
- (D) None of
5. A path 1-2-3 is given. A system absorbs 100 kJ as heat and does 60 kJ of work while along the path 1-4-3, it does 20 kJ of work. The heat absorbed during the cycle 1-4-3 is
- (A) -140 kJ
- (B) -80 kJ
- (C) -40 kJ
- (D) +60 kJ
6. The fuel mostly used in blast furnace for extracting pig iron from iron ores is
- (A) Hard coke
- (B) Soft coke
- (C) Pulverized
- (D) Bituminous
7. Carnot cycle consists of
- (A) Two
constant volume and two isentropic processes
- (B) Two
isothermal and two isentropic processes
- (C) Two
constant pressure and two isentropic processes
- (D) One
constant volume, one constant pressure and two isentropic processes
8. Work-done during adiabatic expansion is given by (where p1 v1, T1 = Pressure, volume and temperature for the initial condition of gas, p2, v2, T2 = Corresponding values for the final condition of gas, R = Gas constant, and γ = Ratio of specific heats)
- (A) (p1 v1 - p2, v2)/(γ - 1)
- (B) [m R (T1
- T2)] /(γ -
- (C) [m R T1/(γ
- 1)][1 - (p2, v2 /p1 v1)]
- (D) All of these
9. In a free expansion process,
- (A) W1
- 2 = 0
- (B) Q1
- 2 = 0
- (C) dU =
- (D) All of these
10. When the gas is heated at constant volume, the heat supplied
- (A) Increases
the internal energy of the gas and increases the temperature of the gas
- (B) Does
some external work during expansion
- (C) Both (A) and
- (D) None of
11. Carnot cycle has maximum efficiency for
- (A) Petrol
- (B) Diesel
- (C) Reversible
- (D) Irreversible
12. The heat supplied to the gas at constant volume is (where m = Mass of gas, cv = Specific heat at constant volume, cp = Specific heat at constant pressure, T2 - T1 = Rise in temperature, and R = Gas constant)
- (A) mR (T2 - T1)
- (B) mcv (T2 - T1)
- (C) mcp
(T2 - T1)
- (D) mcp (T2 + T1)
13. The processes occurring in open system which permit the transfer of mass to and from the system, are known as
- (A) Flow
- (B) Non-flow
- (C) Adiabatic
- (D) None
of these
14. Stirling and Ericsson cycles are
- (A) Reversible
- (B) Irreversible
- (C) Semi-reversible
- (D) Quasi-static
15. In an isothermal process,
- (A) There
is no change in temperature
- (B) There
is no change in enthalpy
- (C) There
is no change in internal energy
- (D) All of these
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