Engineering Thermodynamics Questions And Answers - Set 17 - ObjectiveBooks

Engineering Thermodynamics Questions And Answers - Set 17

Practice Test: Question Set - 17

1. Otto cycle is also known as
    (A) Constant pressure cycle
    (B) Constant volume cycle
    (C) Constant temperature cycle
    (D) Constant temperature and pressure cycle

2. The heat and mechanical energies are mutually convertible. This statement was established by
    (A) Boyle
    (B) Charles
    (C) Joule
    (D) None of these

3. The heat and work are mutually convertible. This statement is called __________ law of thermodynamics.
    (A) Zeroth
    (B) First
    (C) Second
    (D) Third

4. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water through one Kelvin is called
    (A) Specific heat at constant volume
    (B) Specific heat at constant pressure
    (C) kilo-Joule
    (D) None of these

5. A path 1-2-3 is given. A system absorbs 100 kJ as heat and does 60 kJ of work while along the path 1-4-3, it does 20 kJ of work. The heat absorbed during the cycle 1-4-3 is
Question No. 05

    (A) -140 kJ
    (B) -80 kJ
    (C) -40 kJ
    (D) +60 kJ

6. The fuel mostly used in blast furnace for extracting pig iron from iron ores is
    (A) Hard coke
    (B) Soft coke
    (C) Pulverized coal
    (D) Bituminous coal

7. Carnot cycle consists of
    (A) Two constant volume and two isentropic processes
    (B) Two isothermal and two isentropic processes
    (C) Two constant pressure and two isentropic processes
    (D) One constant volume, one constant pressure and two isentropic processes

8. Work-done during adiabatic expansion is given by (where p1 v1T1 = Pressure, volume and temperature for the initial condition of gas, p2v2T2 = Corresponding values for the final condition of gas, R = Gas constant, and γ = Ratio of specific heats)
    (A) (p1 v1  - p2, v2)/(γ - 1)
    (B) [m R (T1 - T2)] /(γ - 1)
    (C) [m R T1/(γ - 1)][1 - (p2, v2 /p1 v1)]
    (D) All of these

9. In a free expansion process,
    (A) W1 - 2 = 0
    (B) Q1 - 2 = 0
    (C) dU = 0
    (D) All of these

10. When the gas is heated at constant volume, the heat supplied
    (A) Increases the internal energy of the gas and increases the temperature of the gas
    (B) Does some external work during expansion
    (C) Both (A) and (B)
    (D) None of these

11. Carnot cycle has maximum efficiency for
    (A) Petrol engine
    (B) Diesel engine
    (C) Reversible engine
    (D) Irreversible engine

12. The heat supplied to the gas at constant volume is (where m = Mass of gas, cv = Specific heat at constant volume, cp = Specific heat at constant pressure, T2 - T1 = Rise in temperature, and R = Gas constant)
    (A) mR (T2 - T1)
    (B) mcv (T2 - T1)
    (C) mcp (T2 - T1)
    (D) mcp (T2 + T1)

13. The processes occurring in open system which permit the transfer of mass to and from the system, are known as
    (A) Flow processes
    (B) Non-flow processes
    (C) Adiabatic processes
    (D) None of these

14. Stirling and Ericsson cycles are
    (A) Reversible cycles
    (B) Irreversible cycles
    (C) Semi-reversible cycles
    (D) Quasi-static cycles

15. In an isothermal process,
    (A) There is no change in temperature
    (B) There is no change in enthalpy
    (C) There is no change in internal energy
    (D) All of these

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