Theory of Machines MCQ Test - Set 31 - ObjectiveBooks

Theory of Machines MCQ Test - Set 31

Practice Test: Question Set - 31

1. Effort of a governor is the
    (A) Mean force exerted at the sleeve for a given percentage change of speed
    (B) Work-done at the sleeve for maximum equilibrium speed
    (C) Mean force exerted at the sleeve for maximum equilibrium speed
    (D) None of the above

2. Which of the following statement is correct for involute gears?
    (A) The interference is inherently absent.
    (B) The variation in centre distance of shafts increases radial force.
    (C) A convex flank is always in contact with concave flank.
    (D) The pressure angle is constant throughout the teeth engagement.

3. The balancing weights are introduced in planes parallel to the plane of rotation of the disturbing mass. To obtain complete dynamic balance, the minimum number of balancing weights to be introduced in different planes is
    (A) 1
    (B) 2
    (C) 3
    (D) 4

4. The gears are termed as medium velocity gears, if their peripheral velocity is
    (A) 1-3 m/s
    (B) 3-15 m/s
    (C) 15-30 m/s
    (D) 30-50 m/s

5. The pair is known as a higher pair, when the relative motion between the elements of a pair is
    (A) Turning only
    (B) Sliding only
    (C) Rolling only
    (D) Partly turning and partly sliding

6. If the damping factor for a vibrating system is unity, then the system will be
    (A) Over damped
    (B) Under damped
    (C) Critically damped
    (D) Without vibrations

7. Which of the following is used to control the speed variations of the engine caused by the fluctuations of the engine turning moment?
    (A) D-slide valve
    (B) Governor
    (C) Flywheel
    (D) Meyer's expansion valve

8. Which type of gearing is used in steering system of an automobile?
    (A) Rack and pinion
    (B) Worm and wheel
    (C) Spiral gears
    (D) None of the above

9. Which of the following is an inversion of a single slider crank chain?
    (A) Pendulum pump
    (B) Oscillating cylinder engine
    (C) Rotary internal combustion engine
    (D) All of these

10. Which of the following is an inversion of Single slider crank chain?
    (A) Beam engine
    (B) Rotary engine
    (C) Oldham’s coupling
    (D) Elliptical trammel

11. The two parallel and coplanar shafts are connected by gears having teeth parallel to the axis of the shaft. This arrangement is known as
    (A) Spur gearing
    (B) Helical gearing
    (C) Bevel gearing
    (D) Spiral gearing

12. A point on a connecting link (excluding end points) of a double slider crank mechanism traces a
    (A) Straight line path
    (B) Hyperbolic path
    (C) Parabolic path
    (D) Elliptical path

13. When a rigid body is suspended vertically and it oscillates with a small amplitude under the action of the force of gravity, the body is known as
    (A) Simple pendulum
    (B) Compound pendulum
    (C) Torsional pendulum
    (D) Second's pendulum

14. The frictional torque transmitted in a flat pivot bearing, assuming uniform wear, is
(Where μ = Coefficient of friction, W=Load over the bearing, R=Radius of bearing)
    (A) μwr
    (B) ¾μWR
    (C) (2/3) μWR
    (D) ½μWR

15. In a ball bearing, ball and bearing forms a
    (A) Turning pair
    (B) Rolling pair
    (C) Screw pair
    (D) Spherical pair

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