Theory of Machines Objective Question with Answer - Set 13 - ObjectiveBooks

Theory of Machines Objective Question with Answer - Set 13

Practice Test: Question Set - 13

1. The Ackermann steering mechanism is preferred to the Davis type in automobiles because
    (A) The former is mathematically accurate
    (B) The former is having turning pair
    (C) The former is most economical
    (D) The former is most rigid

2. Higher pairs are those which have
    (A) Point or line contact between the two elements when in motion
    (B) Surface contact between the two elements when in motion
    (C) Elements of pairs not held together mechanically
    (D) Two elements that permit relative motion

3. The fundamental equation for correct steering is (where φ and α = Angle through which the axis of the outer wheel and inner wheel turns respectively, c = Distance between the pivots of the front axles, and d = Wheel base)
    (A) sinφ + sinα = b/c
    (B) cosφ - sinα = c/b
    (C) cotφ - cotα = c/b
    (D) tanφ + cotα = b/c

4. When the nature of contact between the elements of a pair is such that it can only slide relative to the other, the pair is known as a
    (A) Screw pair
    (B) Spherical pair
    (C) Turning pair
    (D) Sliding pair

5. In under damped vibrating system, if x₁ and x₂ are the successive values of the amplitude on the same side of the mean position, then the logarithmic decrement is equal to
    (A) x₁/x₂
    (B) log(x₁/x₂)
    (C) loge(x₁/x₂)
    (D) log(x₁.x₂)

6. Which of the following mechanisms produces mathematically an exact straight line motion?
    (A) Grasshopper mechanism
    (B) Watt mechanism
    (C) Peaucellier's mechanism
    (D) Tchebicheff mechanism

7. The velocity of any point in mechanism relative to any other point on the mechanism on velocity polygon is represented by the line
    (A) Joining the corresponding points
    (B) Perpendicular to line as per (A)
    (C) Not possible to determine with these data
    (D) At 45° to line as per (A)

8. The velocity of the reciprocating roller follower when it has contact with the straight flanks of the tangent cam, is given by (where ω = Angular velocity of the cam shaft)
    (A) ω (r₁ r₂) sinθ
    (B) ω (r₁ + r₂) sinθ sec2θ
    (C) ω (r₁ r₂) cosθ
    (D) ω (r₁ + r₂) cosθ cosec2θ

9. For the brake to be self locking, the force P at C shown in the below figure, should
Theory of Machine - Set 13, Question No. 09
    (A) Be zero
    (B) Act in upward direction
    (C) Act in downward direction
    (D) None of these

10. A governor is said to be stable, if the
    (A) Radius of rotation of balls increases as the equilibrium speed decreases
    (B) Radius of rotation of balls decreases as the equilibrium speed decreases
    (C) Radius of rotation of balls increases as the equilibrium speed increases
    (D) Radius of rotation of balls decreases as the equilibrium speed increases

11. Which one of the following can completely balance several masses revolving in different planes on a shaft?
    (A) A single mass in different planes
    (B) Two masses in any two planes
    (C) A single mass in one of the planes of the revolving masses
    (D) Two equal masses in any two planes

12. When one of the links of a kinematic chain is fixed, the chain is known as a
    (A) Structure
    (B) Mechanism
    (C) Inversion
    (D) Machine

13. The frictional torque transmitted by a cone clutch is same as that of
    (A) Flat pivot bearing
    (B) Flat collar bearing
    (C) Conical pivot bearing
    (D) Truncated conical pivot bearing

14. The sense of Coriolis component is such that it
    (A) Leads the sliding velocity vector by 90°
    (B) Lags the sliding velocity vector by 90°
    (C) Is along the sliding velocity vector
    (D) Leads the sliding velocity vector by 180°

15. Which of the following disciplines provides study of the relative motion between the parts of a machine and the forces acting on the parts?
    (A) Theory of machines
    (B) Applied mechanics
    (C) Mechanisms
    (D) Kinetics

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