Theory Test on Theory of Machines - Set 29 - ObjectiveBooks

Theory Test on Theory of Machines - Set 29

Practice Test: Question Set - 29

1. Minimum number of teeth for involute rack and pinion arrangement for pressure angle of 20° is
    (A) 10
    (B) 20
    (C) 30
    (D) 34

2. For two governors A and B, the lift of sleeve of governor A is more than that of governor B, for a given fractional change in speed. It indicates that
    (A) Governor A is more sensitive than governor B
    (B) Governor B is more sensitive than governor A
    (C) Both governors A and B are equally sensitive
    (D) None of the above

3. Which of the following is a turning pair?
    (A) Piston and cylinder of a reciprocating steam engine
    (B) Shaft with collars at both ends fitted into a circular hole
    (C) Lead screw of a lathe with nut
    (D) Ball and a socket joint

4. When the pitching of a ship is __________ the effect of gyroscopic couple acting on it will be to move the ship towards port side.
    (A) Upward
    (B) Downward
    (C) Forward
    (D) Backward

5. The face of the tooth is the
    (A) Surface of the top of tooth
    (B) Surface of tooth above the pitch surface
    (C) Width of tooth below the pitch surface
    (D) Width of tooth measured along the pitch circle

6. The contact ratio is given by
    (A) (Length of the path of approach)/(Circular pitch)
    (B) (Length of path of recess)/(Circular pitch)
    (C) (Length of the arc of contact)/(Circular pitch)
    (D) (Length of the arc of approach)/cosφ

7. If ω/ωn = 2, where co is the frequency of excitation and ωn is the natural frequency of vibrations, then the transmissibility of vibration will the
    (A) 0.5
    (B) 1
    (C) 1.5
    (D) 2

8. Transmission angle is the angle between
    (A) Input link and coupler
    (B) Input link and fixed link
    (C) Output link and coupler
    (D) Output link and fixed link

9. Which of the following is an open pair?
    (A) Ball and socket joint
    (B) Journal bearing
    (C) Lead screw and nut
    (D) Cam and follower

10. The contact ratio is the ratio of
    (A) Length of pair of contact to the circular pitch
    (B) Length of arc of contact to the circular pitch
    (C) Length of arc of approach to the circular pitch
    (D) Length of arc of recess to the circular pitch

11. The velocity of the belt for maximum power is (where m = Mass of the belt in kg per meter length)
    (A) T/3
    (B) (T.g)/3
    (C) √(T/3m)
    (D) √(3m/T)

12. The partial balancing of reciprocating parts in locomotives produces
    (A) Hammer blow
    (B) Swaying couple
    (C) Variation in tractive force along the line of stroke
    (D) All of the above

13. Length of arc of contact is given by
    (A) Arc of approach - Arc of recess
    (B) Arc of approach + Arc of recess
    (C) Arc of approach / Arc of recess
    (D) Arc of approach × Arc of recess

14. In a multiple V-belt drive, when a single belt is damaged, it is preferable to change the complete set to
    (A) Reduce vibration
    (B) Reduce slip
    (C) Ensure uniform loading
    (D) Ensure proper alignment

15. The tractive force is maximum or minimum when the angle of inclination of crank with the line of stroke (θ) is equal to
    (A) 0° and 90°
    (B) 90° and 180°
    (C) 135° and 315°
    (D) 270° and 360°

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