Practice Test: Question Set - 22
1. The diameter of Cornish boiler is of the order of
- (A) 12 m
- (B) 1.52.5 m
- (C) 23 m
- (D) 2.53.5 m
2. The stage efficiency (ηS) is given by (where ηB = Blading efficiency, and ηN = Nozzle efficiency)
- (A) ηS
= ηB × ηN
- (B) ηS
= ηB / ηN
- (C) ηS
= ηN / ηB
- (D) None
of these
3. The high pressure and low pressure cylinders in a Tandem type compound engine are regarded as having cranks
- (A) 180°
to each other
- (B) 90°
to each other
- (C) 0°
to each other
- (D) None
of these
4. The water tubes in a Babcock and Wilcox boiler are
- (A) Horizontal
- (B) Vertical
- (C) Inclined
- (D) Horizontal and
5. In an impulse turbine, steam expands
- (A) Wholly
in blades
- (B) Wholly
in nozzle
- (C) Partly
in the nozzle and partly in blades
- (D) None
of these
6. There is always some steam left in the clearance space from the previous stroke. This steam left in the clearance space is called
- (A) Wet
- (B) Saturated
- (C) Superheated
- (D) Cushion
7. In which of the following boilers, the draught in furnace is increased by utilising exhaust steam from engine
- (A) Lancashire boiler
- (B) Locomotive boiler
- (C) Babcock and Wilcox
- (D) Benson boiler
8. De-Laval turbine is a
- (A) Single
rotor impulse turbine
- (B) Multi-rotor
impulse turbine
- (C) Impulse
reaction turbine
- (D) None
of these
9. An air preheater
- (A) Increases
evaporative capacity of the boiler
- (B) Increases
the efficiency of the boiler
- (C) Enables
low grade fuel to be burnt
- (D) All
of the above
10. O₂ content in atmospheric air on weight basis is
- (A) 21 %
- (B) 23 %
- (C) 30 %
- (D) 40 %
11. Rateau turbine is
- (A) Simple
reaction turbine
- (B) Velocity
compounded turbine
- (C) Pressure
compounded turbine
- (D) Pressure-velocity
compounded turbine
12. The function of a valve rod is
- (A) To
provide reciprocating motion to the slide valve
- (B) To
convert reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary motion of the crank
- (C) To
convert rotary motion of the crankshaft into to and fro motion of the valve rod
- (D) To
provide simple harmonic motion to the D-slide valve
13. The condition of steam in boiler drum is always
- (A) Dry
- (B) Wet
- (C) Saturated
- (D) Supersaturated
14. The density of supersaturated steam is about __________ that of the ordinary saturated vapor at the corresponding pressure.
- (A) Same
- (B) 2 times
- (C) 4 times
- (D) 8
15. The missing quantity per stroke is equal to
- (A) Cylinder
feed indicated mass of steam
- (B) Cylinder
feed + indicated mass of steam
- (C) Mass
of cushion steam + indicated mass of steam
- (D) Mass
of cushion steam + cylinder feed