Steam Engines MCQ with Answers - Set 25 - ObjectiveBooks

Steam Engines MCQ with Answers - Set 25

Practice Test: Question Set - 25

1. Which of the following boiler is best suited to meet the fluctuating demand of steam?
    (A) Locomotive boiler
    (B) Lancashire boiler
    (C) Cornish boiler
    (D) Babcock and Wilcox boiler

2. In locomotive boiler, maximum steam pressure is limited to
    (A) 1 kg/cm²
    (B) 5 kg/cm²
    (C) 10 kg/cm²
    (D) 18 kg/cm²

3. The fire tubes in a Cochran boiler usually have _________ diameter.
    (A) 6.25 mm
    (B) 62.5 mm
    (C) 72.5 mm
    (D) 92.5 mm

4. Boiler stays are used to
    (A) Prevent flat surfaces under pressure from tearing apart
    (B) Take care of failure in shear
    (C) Take care of failure in compression
    (D) Provide support for boiler

5. Which of the following is required for a steam condensing plant?
    (A) Condenser
    (B) Condensate pump
    (C) Air extraction pump
    (D) All of these

6. Spontaneous combustion is a phenomenon in which
    (A) All the fuel burns instantaneously producing high energy release
    (B) Fuel burns with less air
    (C) Coal bursts into flame without any external ignition source but by itself due to gradual increase in temperature as a result of heat released by combination of oxygen with coal
    (D) Explosion in furnace

7. Fire tube boilers are limited to a maximum working pressure of
    (A) 0.17 MN/m²
    (B) 1.7 MN/m²
    (C) 17 MN/m²
    (D) 170 MN/m²

8. Tertiary air is the air used to
    (A) Provide air around burners for obtaining optimum combustion
    (B) Transport and dry the coal
    (C) Cool the scanners
    (D) Convert CO (formed in lower zone of furnace) into CO₂ at higher zone

9. Desecration of feed water is carried out because it reduces
    (A) Cavitation of boiler feed pumps
    (B) Corrosion caused by oxygen
    (C) Heat transfer coefficient
    (D) pH value of water

10. The function of a safety valve is
    (A) To blow off steam when the pressure of steam inside the boiler exceeds the working pressure
    (B) To indicate the water level inside the boiler to an observer
    (C) To measure pressure of steam inside the steam boiler
    (D) None of the above

11. In a Woolf type compound engine, the high pressure and low pressure cylinders
    (A) Have common piston rod
    (B) Are set at 90°
    (C) Have separate piston rod
    (D) Are set in V arrangement

12. Carbonization of coal is the process of
    (A) Pulverizing coal in inert atmosphere
    (B) Heating wood in a limited supply of air at temperatures below 300°C
    (C) Strongly heating coal continuously for about 48 hours in the absence of air in a closed vessel
    (D) Binding the pulverized coal into briquettes

13. Cut-off ratio is the ratio of
    (A) Swept volume to the volume at cut-off
    (B) Volume at cut-off to the clearance volume
    (C) Volume at cut-off to the swept volume
    (D) Clearance volume to the volume at cut-off

14. The pressure at which latent heat of vaporisation of water is zero, is
    (A) Below atmospheric pressure
    (B) 1 kg/cm²
    (C) 100 kg/cm²
    (D) 225.6 kg/cm²

15. A compound steam engine in which piston rods of high pressure and low pressure cylinders ' are attached to two different cranks set at 180° to each other, is called
    (A) Receiver type compound engine
    (B) Tandem type compound engine
    (C) Woolf type compound engine
    (D) Both (A) and (B)

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