Machine Design Questions and Answers - Set 26 - ObjectiveBooks

Machine Design Questions and Answers - Set 26

Practice Test: Question Set - 26

1. The dedendum is the radial distance from the
    (A) Pitch circle to the top of a tooth
    (B) Pitch circle to the bottom of a tooth
    (C) Top of a tooth to the bottom of a tooth
    (D) Addendum circle to the clearance circle

2. According to Indian standards, the diameter of rivet hole is made larger than the basic size of rivet by
    (A) 0.5 mm up to rivet diameter of 24 mm
    (B) 1 mm for rivet diameter from 27 mm to 36 mm
    (C) 2 mm for rivet diameter from 39 mm to 48 mm
    (D) All of the above

3. The helix angle for single helical gears ranges from
    (A) 10° to 15°
    (B) 15° to 20°
    (C) 20° to 35°
    (D) 35° to 50°

4. The centre distance between two meshing involute gears is equal to
    (A) Sum of base circle radii/cosφ
    (B) Difference of base circle radii/cosφ
    (C) Sum of pitch circle radii/cosφ
    (D) Difference of pitch circle radii/cosφ

5. In block brakes, the ratio of shoe width to wheel diameter is taken between
    (A) 0.1 and 0.25
    (B) 0.25 and 0.50
    (C) 0.50 and 0.75
    (D) 0.75 and 1

6. Auto frettage is the method of
    (A) Joining thick cylinders
    (B) Calculating stresses in thick cylinders
    (C) Pre-stressing thick cylinders
    (D) Increasing the life of thick cylinders

7. A fast and loose pulley drive is used when
    (A) Shafts are arranged parallel and rotate in the opposite directions
    (B) Shafts are arranged parallel and rotate in the same directions
    (C) Shafts are arranged at right angles and rotate in one definite direction
    (D) Driven shaft is to be started or stopped whenever desired without interfering with the driving shaft

8. The stretching in a belt can be controlled by __________ the stress in the belt.
    (A) Reducing
    (B) Increasing
    (C) Both A and B
    (D) None of these

9. The property of a material which enables it to be drawn into wires with the application of a tensile force, is called
    (A) Plasticity
    (B) Elasticity
    (C) Ductility
    (D) Malleability

10. The cold working of metals is carried out __________ the recrystallization temperature.
    (A) Above
    (B) Below
    (C) At
    (D) None of these

11. The expansion joint is mostly used for pipes which carry steam at __________ pressures.
    (A) Low
    (B) High
    (C) Medium
    (D) None of these

12. Crushing resistance required to crush the rivet per pitch length is
    (A) p.dc
    (D) (p - d) tc

13. The strength of a riveted joint is equal to
    (A) Tearing strength of plate (Pt)
    (B) Shearing strength of rivet (Ps)
    (C) Crushing strength of rivet (Pc)
    (D) Least value of Pt Ps and Pc

14. The material generally used for aircraft components is
    (A) Mild steel
    (B) High speed steel
    (C) Stainless steel
    (D) Aluminium

15. In the calculation of induced shear stress in helical springs, the Wahl's stress factor is used to take care of
    (A) Combined effect of transverse shear stress and bending stress in the wire
    (B) Combined effect of bending stress and curvature of the wire
    (C) Combined effect of transverse shear stress and curvature of wire
    (D) Combined effect of torsional shear stress and transverse shear stress in the wire

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