Practice Test: Question Set - 33
1. The diameter of fire tube of Cornish boiler compared to its shell is
- (A) One half
- (B) One third
- (C) One fourth
- (D) One fifth
2. The number of flue tubes in Lancashire boiler is
- (A) Zero
- (B) One
- (C) Two
- (D) Four
3. The fire tubes in, a Coarran and Scottish marine boiler are
- (A) Horizontal
- (B) Vertical
- (C) Inclined
- (D) Both horizontal and vertical
4. A boiler in India should conform to safety regulations of
- (A) DIN
- (B) BS
- (C) ASTM
- (D) IBR
5. Thermal efficiency of well maintained boiler will be of the order
- (A) 40 %
- (B) 50 %
- (C) 75 %
- (D) 90 %
6. Size of boiler tubes is specified by
- (A) Mean diameter and thickness
- (B) Inside diameter and thickness
- (C) Outside diameter and
- (D) Outside diameter and
inside diameter
7. The diameter of fire tubes in Cochran boiler is of the order of
- (A) 2 cm
- (B) 6 cm
- (C) 8 cm
- (D) 12 cm
8. Gusset stays in a boiler are provided to
- (A) Prevent the bulging of flat surfaces
- (B) Avoid explosion in
- (C) Prevent leakage of
hot flue gases
- (D) Support furnace
freely from top
9. Pulverized fuel is used for
- (A) Better burning
- (B) More calorific value
- (C) Less radiation loss
- (D) Medium sized units
10. Calorific value of coal is of the order of
- (A) 200-400 kcal/ kg
- (B) 800-1200 kcal/ kg
- (C) 2000-4000 kcal/ kg
- (D) 5000-8000 kcal/ kg