Practice Test: Question Set - 32
1. The shell diameter of a Locomotive boiler is
- (A) 1 m
- (B) 1.5 m
- (C) 2 m
- (D) 2.5 m
2. The equivalent evaporation of a boiler is a measure to compare
- (A) The given boiler with the model
- (B) The two different
boilers of the same make
- (C) Two different makes
of boilers operating under the same operating conditions
- (D) Any type of boilers
operating under any conditions
3. Water at pressure of 4 kg/cm² and 160°C temperature when exposed to atmosphere will
- (A) Boil
- (B) Flash i.e. get converted into steam
- (C) Remain as it was
- (D) Cool down
4. Locomotive type' boiler is
- (A) Horizontal multi-tubular water tube boiler
- (B) Water wall enclosed furnace type
- (C) Vertical tubular fire tube type
- (D) Horizontal multi-tubular fire tube type
5. The function of injector used in small steam plants is to
- (A) Create vacuum in furnace
- (B) Create vacuum at turbine exhaust
- (C) Pump feed water
- (D) Dose chemicals in feed water
6. The function of injector used in small capacity boilers is to
- (A) Create vacuum
- (B) Inject chemical
solution in feed pump
- (C) Pump water, similar
to boiler feed pump
- (D) Add make up water in the system
7. Caking coals are those which
- (A) Form lumps or masses
of coke
- (B) Burn freely
- (C) Show little or no fusing action
- (D) Burn completely
8. The balanced draft furnace is one using
- (A) Induced draft fan and chimney
- (B) Induced draft fan and forced draft fan
- (C) Forced draft fan and chimney
- (D) Any one of the above
9. Reheating of steam under ideal conditions takes place at constant
- (A) Entropy
- (B) Enthalpy
- (C) Pressure
- (D) Temperature
10. If a steam sample is nearly in dry condition, then its dryness fraction can be most accurately determined by
- (A) Throttling
- (B) Separating
- (C) Combined separating
and throttling calorimeter
- (D) Bucket calorimeter
11. The specific heat of superheated steam in kcal/kg is generally of the order of
- (A) 0.1
- (B) 0.3
- (C) 0.5
- (D) 0.8
12. On Mollier chart, flow through turbine is represented by
- (A) Horizontal straight
- (B) Vertical straight line
- (C) Straight inclined line
- (D) Curved line
13. A wet vapor can be completely specified by
- (A) Pressure only
- (B) Temperature only
- (C) Dryness fraction only
- (D) Pressure and dryness
14. Water boils when its vapor pressure
- (A) Equals that of the
- (B) Equals 760 mm of mercury
- (C) Equals to atmospheric
- (D) Equals the pressure
of water in the container
15. An ideal regenerative cycle is
- (A) Equal to Carnot cycle
- (B) Less than Carnot
- (C) More than Carnot cycle
- (D) Could be anything