Practice Test: Question Set - 27
1. While steam expands in turbines, theoretically the entropy
- (A) Remains constant
- (B) Increases
- (C) Decreases
- (D) Behaves unpredictably
2. A device used to put off fire in the furnace of the boiler when the level of water in the boiler falls to an unsafe limit, is called
- (A) Blow off
- (B) Stop valve
- (C) Superheater
- (D) None of
3. Water tube boilers are those in which
- (A) Flue gases pass through tubes and water
around it
- (B) Water passes through the tubes and flue
gases around it
- (C) Work is done during adiabatic expansion
- (D) Change in enthalpy
4. When the circulation of water, in a boiler, is by a centrifugal pump, then the boiler is known as
- (A) Internally
fired boiler
- (B) Externally
fired boiler
- (C) Natural
circulation boiler
- (D) Forced
circulation boiler
5. Duplex feed pumps are used in small steam boilers. These operate on the principle of
- (A) Centrifugal pump
- (B) Axial flow pump
- (C) Gear pump
- (D) Reciprocating pump
6. An economiser is installed in a boiler primarily to
- (A) Superheat
the steam
- (B) Reduce
fuel consumption
- (C) Increase
steam pressure
- (D) All of these
7. Which type of boiler can meet rapid changes of load?
- (A) Vertical fire tube type
- (B) Horizontal fire tube type
- (C) Horizontal water tube type
- (D) Forced circulation
8. Besides mean effective pressure, the data required to determine the indicated power of an engine include
- (A) Piston
diameter, length of stroke and calorific value of fuel
- (B) Piston
diameter, specific fuel consumption and Calorific value of fuel
- (C) Piston
diameter, length of stroke and speed of rotation
- (D) Specific
fuel consumption, speed of rotation and torque
9. The basic purpose of drum in boiler is to
- (A) Serve as storage of
- (B) Serve as storage of
feed water for water wall
- (C) Remove salts from
- (D) Separate steam from
10. The high pressure and low pressure cylinders in a receiver type compound engine are regarded as having cranks
- (A) 180° to each
- (B) 90° to each
- (C) 0° to each
- (D) None of
11. Steam in water tube boiler as compared to fire tube boiler
- (A) Can be raised rapidly
- (B) Is raised at slower rate
- (C) Is raised at same rate
- (D) Could be raised at fast/slow rate depending
on design
12. When the speed of the engine is controlled by means of a valve in a steam pipe, which regulates the pressure of steam entering the engine, then the governing is known as
- (A) Throttle
- (B) Cut-off
- (C) By-pass
- (D) None of
13. Proximate analysis of fuel is determination of percentage of
- (A) Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur,
- (B) Fixed carbon, ash, volatile matter,
- (C) Higher calorific value
- (D) Lower calorific value
14. A valve installed between the boiler and the feed pump is
- (A) Blow off
- (B) Feed check
- (C) Steam stop
- (D) None of
15. Evaporative capacity of boiler is expressed as
- (A) kg of steam produced
- (B) Steam pressure produced
- (C) kg of fuel fired
- (D) kg of steam produced per kg of fuel fifed