Gears Mechanical Engineering Questions - Set 04 - ObjectiveBooks

Gears Mechanical Engineering Questions - Set 04

Practice Test: Question Set - 04

1. Beam strength of gear tooth is
    (A) Maximum tangential force that the tooth can transmit without bending failure
    (B) Maximum bending stress that the tooth can transmit without failure
    (C) Maximum tangential force that the tooth can transmit without pitting failure
    (D) Maximum contact stress that the tooth can transmit without failure

2. In case of cycloidal tooth gears, which of the following statement is correct?
    (A) Simple to manufacture
    (B) Pressure angle remains constant
    (C) No interference occurs between meshing teeth 
    (D) None of the above

3. The tooth thickness of an involute gear in terms of module ‘m’ is
    (A) 1.157 m
    (B) 1.5 m
    (C) 2 m   
    (D) 1.5708 m

4. Stub tooth are provided for
    (A) High velocity ratios
    (B) High power transmitting capacity
    (C) Low noise
    (D) Reducing number of teeth for compact construction

5. Dynamic force on gear tooth is induced due to
    (A) Inaccuracies of tooth profile and errors in tooth spacing
    (B) Misalignment in bearings
    (C) Elasticity of parts and inertia of rotating masses
    (D) All of the above

6. The interference in cycloidal tooth gears 
    (A) Depends upon pressure angle
    (B) Depends upon number of teeth
    (C) Is completely absent 
    (D) Is maximum

7. The pressure angle in involute teeth gears
    (A) Remains constant
    (B) Often changes
    (C) Rarely changes
    (D) Unpredictable

8. Reducing pressure angle on gears results in
    (A) Weaker teeth
    (B) Stronger teeth
    (C) High velocity ratio
    (D) High efficiency

9. The number of grades used to specify the quality of gears is
    (A) 10
    (B) 3
    (C) 12
    (D) 6

10. The thickness of gear tooth is measured
    (A) Along the pitch circle 
    (B) Along the base circle
    (C) Along the addendum circle
    (D) Along the root circle

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