Chemical Process Networks Multiple Choice Questions - Set 42 - ObjectiveBooks

Chemical Process Networks Multiple Choice Questions - Set 42

Practice Test: Question Set - 42

1. Phthalic anhydride is made by the
    (A) Oxidation of naphthalene
    (B) Oxidation of benzene
    (C) Dehydrogenation of ethyl benzene
    (D) None of these

2. Oxygen is produced by fractionation of air using __________ process.
    (A) Linde's
    (B) Claude's
    (C) Either (a) or (b)
    (D) None of these

3. Use of water having dissolved oxygen in boilers promotes
    (A) Corrosion
    (B) Sequestration
    (C) Scale formation
    (D) None of these

4. Dehydrogenation of Isopropanol produces
    (A) Propyl alcohol
    (B) Acetone
    (C) Trichloroethylene
    (D) Formaldehyde

5. Hydrogenation of vegetable oils is a/an __________ reaction.
    (A) Endothermic
    (B) Autocatalytic
    (C) Exothermic
    (D) Homogenous

6. Which of the following is a constituent of vinegar?
    (A) Around 10% alcohol
    (B) Around 1% acetic acid
    (C) Both (a) and (b)
    (D) Neither (a) nor (b)

7. Cement setting under water employs a/an __________ process.
    (A) Hydration
    (B) Decomposition
    (C) Oxidation
    (D) Reduction

8. 'Hollander beater' machine used in the paper manufacturing plant does not accomplish the task of
    (A) Final rolling out of paper
    (B) Cutting of fibres
    (C) Hydration of fibres
    (D) Fibrillation of fibre

9. Paper grade bamboo contains about __________ percent cellulose.
    (A) 5
    (B) 20
    (C) 40
    (D) 60

10. Deaeration of water in its treatment is necessary, as it
    (A) Minimizes its turbidity
    (B) Helps in controlling its taste and odour
    (C) Minimizes its corrosiveness
    (D) None of these

11. Oil produced by solvent extraction
    (A) Has low free fatty acid content
    (B) Is odourless
    (C) Both (a) & (b)
    (D) Neither (a) nor (b)

12. The major constituent of black liquor generated during paper manufacture is sodium
    (A) Sulphate
    (B) Carbonate
    (C) Hydroxide
    (D) Bi-carbonate

13. Synthetic glycerine is produced from
    (A) Toluene
    (B) Phenol
    (C) Propylene
    (D) Naphthalene

14. Most widely and commonly used coagulant for the removal of suspended impurities in water is
    (A) Bleaching powder
    (B) Slaked lime
    (C) Alum
    (D) Copper sulphate

15. Permanent hardness of water is due to the presence of calcium & magnesium
    (A) Bi-carbonates
    (B) Sulphates & chlorides
    (C) Carbonate
    (D) None of these

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