Practice Test: Question Set - 09
1. Solvent deoiling process is used for separating oil and soft wax from hard wax. Methyl iso-butyl ketone and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) are two commonly used deoiling solvents. Use of former as the deoiling solvent has the advantages of the
- (A) Elimination of solvent drying facility
- (B) Higher nitration temperature
- (C) Lower solvent dilution ratio
- (D) All (a), (b) & (c)
2. Which of the following factors does not govern the mechanism of petroleum formation from organic sources?
- (A) pH of the soil
- (B) Bacterial action
- (C) Heat
- (D) Pressure
3. Smoke point of a good burning kerosene may be around __________ mm.
- (A) 0-5
- (B) 20-25
- (C) 60-75
- (D) 100-120
4. Maximum viscosity of tar/PCM/fuel oil for easy and efficient atomization in conventional burner is __________ centistokes (or 100 Redwood I seconds).
- (A) 5
- (B) 25
- (C) 50
- (D) 100
5. Gum formation in stored gasoline is mainly due to the
- (A) Alkylation of unsaturated
- (B) Presence of sulphur
- (C) Oxidation & polymerization of unsaturated
- (D) Higher aromatic content
6. Aromatics have the highest __________ of all the hydrocarbons of same carbon atoms.
- (A) Smoke point
- (B) Octane number
- (C) Cetane number
- (D) Viscosity
7. LPG when brought to atmospheric pressure & temperature will be a
- (A) Liquid lighter than water
- (B) Liquid heavier than water
- (C) Gas lighter than air
- (D) Gas heavier than air
8. Lane and Garton classification of petroleum is based on its
- (A) Composition
- (B) Specific gravity
- (C) Optical properties
- (D) Viscosity
9. Naphthenic acid is a/an __________ compound.
- (A) Sulphur
- (B) Nitrogen
- (C) Oxygen
- (D) None of these
10. Road grade bitumen is produced from vacuum residue by its
- (A) Aeration
- (B) Pyrolysis
- (C) Hydrogenation
- (D) Steam reforming
11. Flash point of diesel/kerosene (>50°C) is determined by the
- (A) Abel apparatus
- (B) Pensky-Martens apparatus
- (C) Saybolt chromometer
- (D) None of these
12. Products drawn from the top to bottom of the crude oil distillation column has progressively increasing
- (A) Boiling points
- (B) Molecular weight
- (C) C/H ratio
- (D) All (a), (b) and (c)
13. Which of the following is desirable in diesel and kerosene but is undesirable in gasoline?
- (A) Aromatics
- (B) Mercaptans
- (C) Paraffins
- (D) Naphthenic acid
14. Iso-octane is used as a reference substance in the definition of octane number and it is assigned an octane number value of 100. Iso-octane is chemically known as
- (A) α-methyl naphthalene
- (B) 2-2-4 tri methyl pentane
- (C) 1, 3 butadiene
- (D) Tetra methyl ethylene
15. Cetane number of alpha methyl naphthalene is assumed to be
- (A) 0
- (B) 100
- (C) 50
- (D) ∞
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