Petroleum Refinery Engineering Questions - Set 19 - ObjectiveBooks

Petroleum Refinery Engineering Questions - Set 19

Practice Test: Question Set - 19

1. Illuminating characteristics of kerosene is expressed by its
    (A) Smoke point
    (B) Aniline point
    (C) Luminosity number
    (D) Aromatic content

2. Aniline point test of an oil qualitatively indicates the __________ content of an oil.
    (A) Paraffin
    (B) Olefin
    (C) Aromatic
    (D) Naphthene

3. Alkylation
    (A) Causes olefins to combine with each other
    (B) Causes olefins to combine with iso-paraffins
    (C) Converts iso-paraffin into olefin
    (D) Converts olefin into paraffin

4. Pour point and freezing point is equal for
    (A) Petrol
    (B) Diesel
    (C) Water
    (D) Crude petroleum

5. In Hydrofining catalytic desulphurization process for sweetening of petroleum products, use of hydrogen
    (A) Enhances the desulphurization process
    (B) Minimizes coke formation
    (C) Both (a) and (b)
    (D) Neither (a) nor (b)

6. Hydrogen content in petroleum products varies from 12 to 15% (by weight). As a result the difference between gross and net heating value of petroleum fuels varies in the range of __________ kcal/kg.
    (A) 600-750
    (B) 250-350
    (C) 1000-1500
    (D) 2000-2500

7. Octane number of gasoline is a measure of its
    (A) Resistance to knock
    (B) Ignition delay
    (C) Ignition temperature
    (D) Smoke point

8. The characterization factor of a crude oil is calculated as 12.5. It means that; it is
    (A) Paraffinic
    (B) Naphthenic
    (C) Intermediate
    (D) None of these

9. Crude oils containing more than __________ kg of total salts (expressed in terms of NaCl) per thousand barrel is called a 'salty crude'.
    (A) 1
    (B) 5
    (C) 15
    (D) 25

10. Solution used in Doctor's treatment for the removal of mercaptans is
    (A) Sodium hydroxide
    (B) Sodium plumbite
    (C) Cupric chloride
    (D) Potassium isobutyrate

11. The most commonly used feed stock for the reforming reactor is
    (A) Heavy fuel oil
    (B) Residuum
    (C) Straight run gasoline
    (D) Casing head gasoline

12. Solvent used in the Udex (glycol) extraction process for removal of light aromatics from cracked naphtha is
    (A) Propane
    (B) Diethylene glycol
    (C) Aqueous solution (10% water) of diethylene glycol
    (D) Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)

13. Smoke point of a test sample of kerosene is found to be 15 mm. On removal of __________ from it, the smoke point rises to 25 mm.
    (A) n-paraffins
    (B) Olefins
    (C) Aromatics
    (D) None of these

14. Straight run petrol as compared to methyl/ethyl alcohol has
    (A) Lower calorific value
    (B) Lower octane number
    (C) Higher specific gravity
    (D) Higher ignition temperature

15. Raw Kerosene has a smoke point of 15 mm. After it is subjected to dearomatization by liquid SO2 extraction (Edeleanu process), its smoke point may become __________ mm.
    (A) 5
    (B) 10
    (C) 25
    (D) 100

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