Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetics Online Test - Set 15 - ObjectiveBooks

Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetics Online Test - Set 15

Practice Test: Question Set - 15

1. Higher free energy of activation of a chemical reaction (at a given temperature) implies
    (A) Slower rate of reaction
    (B) Higher rate of reaction
    (C) Higher equilibrium conversion
    (D) Both (b) and (c)

2. The rate at which a chemical substance reacts is proportional to its
    (A) Active mass
    (B) Equivalent weight
    (C) Molecular weight
    (D) None of these

3. What is the order of a chemical reaction of the bellow figure, if the rate of formation of 'C', increases by a factor of 2.82 on doubling the concentration of 'A' and increases by a factor of 9 on trebling the concentration of 'B'?
    (A) 7/2
    (B) 7/4
    (C) 5/2
    (D) 5/4

4. For the gaseous reaction 2A → B, where the feed consists of 50 mole % A and 50 mole % inerts, the expansion factor is
    (A) 1
    (B) -0.5
    (C) -0.25
    (D) 0

5. The optimum performance for reactors operating in parallel is obtained when the feed stream is distributed in such a way, that the
    (A) Space time for each parallel line is same
    (B) Space time for parallel lines is different
    (C) Larger reactors have more space time compared to smaller ones
    (D) None of these

6. Organic catalysts differ from the inorganic catalyst in the sense that the former is
    (A) Active at cryogenic temperatures only
    (B) Prohibitively costly
    (C) Proteinous in nature
    (D) Active at very high temperature only

7. A first order reaction requires two equal sized CSTR. The conversion is
    (A) Less when they are connected in series
    (B) More when they are connected in series
    (C) More when they are connected in parallel
    (D) Same whether they are connected in series or in parallel

8. For the liquid phase parallel reactions:

    RrR = K1.CA2E1 = 80 KJ/mole

    Srs K1.CA ; E2 = 120 KJ/mole 

The desired product is R. A higher selectivity of R will be achieved, if the reaction is conducted at

    (A) Low temperature in a CSTR
    (B) High temperature in a CSTR
    (C) Low temperature in a PFR
    (D) High temperature in a PFR

9. The conversion for a second order, irreversible reaction (constant volume) as shown in the bellow figure, in batch mode is given by
    (A) 1/(1 + k2 . CA0 . t)
    (B) (k2 . CA0 . t)/ (1 + k2 . CA0 . t)
    (C) (k2 . CA0 . t)2/ (1 + k2 . CA0 . t)
    (D) (k2 . CA0 . t)/ (1 + k2 . CA0 . t)2

10. The size of plug flow reactor (PFR) for all positive reaction orders and for any given duty, is __________ that of mixed reactor.
    (A) Greater than
    (B) Equal to
    (C) Smaller than
    (D) Unpredictable from the data

11. 6 gm of carbon is burnt with an amount of air containing 18 gm oxygen. The product contains 16.5 gms CO2 and 2.8 gms CO besides other constituents. What is the degree of conversion on the basis of disappearance of limiting reactant?
    (A) 100%
    (B) 95%
    (C) 75%
    (D) 20%

12. The reaction rate constants at two different temperatures T1 and T2 are related by
    (A) ln (k2/k1) = (E/R) (1/T2 - 1/T1)
    (B) ln (k2/k1) = (E/R) (1/T1 - 1/T2)
    (C) exp (k2/k1) = (E/R) (1/T2 - 1/T1)
    (D) exp (k2/k1) = (E/R) (1/T1 - 1/T2)

13. Which of the following is not a theory of homogeneous reaction?
    (A) Collision theory and activated complex theory
    (B) Chain reaction theory
    (C) Radiation hypothesis
    (D) None of these

14. For the reaction, A + B → 2B + C,
    (A) rA = rB
    (B) rA = -rB
    (C) rA = 2rB
    (D) rA = rB/2

15. The reaction between oxygen and organic material is a/an __________ reaction.
    (A) Exothermic
    (B) Endothermic
    (C) Biochemical
    (D) Photochemical

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