Chemical Reaction Engineering a First Course pdf Questions Answers - Set 14 - ObjectiveBooks

Chemical Reaction Engineering a First Course pdf Questions Answers - Set 14

Practice Test: Question Set - 14

1. Pick out the correct statement.
    (A) A catalyst does not change AH of the reaction
    (B) A catalyst changes the equilibrium point
    (C) Law of mass action was suggested by Le-Chatelier
    (D) The difference between the energy of reactants and that of the products is the activation energy

2. If pore diffusion is the controlling step in a solid catalyzed reaction, the catalyst
    (A) Porosity is very important
    (B) Porosity is of less importance
    (C) Internal surface area is utilized efficiently
    (D) None of these

3. For identical flow rate, feed composition and for elementary first order reactions, 'N' equal sized mixed reactors in series with a total volume 'V' gives the same conversion as a single plug flow reactor of volume 'V' for constant density systems. This is true, when the value of 'N' is
    (A) 1
    (B) > 1
    (D) ≥ 1

4. Which of the following does not produce a change in the value of rate constant of a reaction?
    (A) Pressure
    (B) Temperature
    (C) Concentration and catalyst
    (D) None of these

5. The energy of activation of a chemical reaction:
    (A) Is same as heat of reaction at constant pressure
    (B) Is the minimum energy which the molecules must have before the reaction can take place
    (C) Varies as fifth power of the temperature
    (D) Both (b) and (c)

6. Inversion of cane sugar is an example of
    (A) Unimolecular reaction with first order
    (B) Bimolecular reaction with second order
    (C) Bimolecular reaction with first order
    (D) Unimolecular reaction with second order

7. If the rate of a chemical reaction becomes slower at a given temperature, then the
    (A) Initial concentration of the reactants remains constant
    (B) Free energy of activation is lower
    (C) Entropy changes
    (D) Free energy of activation is higher

8. A pulse tracer is introduced in an ideal CSTR (with a mean residence time I) at time, t = 0. The time taken for the exit concentration of the tracer to reach half of its initial value will be
    (A) 2τ
    (B) 0.5τ
    (C) τ/0.693
    (D) 0.693τ

9. With increase in the space time of an irreversible isothermal reaction being carried out in a P.F. reactor, the conversion will
    (A) Increase
    (B) Decrease
    (C) Remain same
    (D) Data in insufficient; can't be predicted

10. Integral method for analyzing the kinetic data is used
    (A) When the data are scattered
    (B) For testing specific mechanisms with simple rate expressions
    (C) Both (a) and (b)
    (D) None of these

11. Helium-mercury method is used for the measurement of the __________ of the catalyst.
    (A) Surface area
    (B) Porosity
    (C) Pore volume
    (D) Both (b) & (c)

12. As the chemical reaction proceeds, the rate of reaction
    (A) Increases
    (B) Decreases
    (C) Remain same
    (D) May increase or decrease depending on the type of reaction

13. When a high liquid hold up is required in a reactor for gas liquid reaction, use __________ column.
    (A) Packed
    (B) Spray
    (C) Tray
    (D) Bubble

14. Pick out the wrong statement.
    (A) 'Hold back' is defined as the fraction of material that stays longer than the mean residence time
    (B) Study of non-ideal flow reactor is done experimentally by stimulus-response technique
    (C) For studying a chemical reaction, it is desirable to monitor the reactants during initial stages and the products during the final stages of reaction
    (D) A batch reactor cannot be used to study the kinetics of catalytic reaction

15. For any reaction, we may write conversion as a function of
    (A) Time
    (B) Temperature
    (C) Concentration
    (D) All (a), (b) & (c)

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