Chemical Reaction Engineering Short Questions - Set 03 - ObjectiveBooks

Chemical Reaction Engineering Short Questions - Set 03

Practice Test: Question Set - 03

1. For the same residence time, which one will give the maximum conversion?
    (A) Single stirred tank (v = 5 liters)
    (B) Two stirred tank (each of 2.5 liters) in series
    (C) Stirred tank followed by tubular flow reactor (each of 2.5 liters)
    (D) Single tubular flow reactor (v = 5 liters)

2. In a zero order reaction, reactants concentration does not change with time and the
    (A) Time for half change is half the time taken for completion of the reaction
    (B) Time for half change is independent of the initial concentration
    (C) Time for completion of the reaction is independent of the initial concentration
    (D) Reaction rate is trebled when the initial concentration is trebled

3. The conversion for a first order liquid phase reaction. A → B in a CSTR is 50%. If another CSTR of the same volume is connected in series, then the % conversion at the exit of the second reactor will be
    (A) 60
    (B) 75
    (C) 90
    (D) 100

4. Variables affecting the rate of homogeneous reactions are
    (A) Pressure and temperature only
    (B) Temperature and composition only
    (C) Pressure and composition only
    (D) Pressure, temperature and composition

5. For a __________ order reaction, the units of rate constant and rate of reaction are the same.
    (A) Zero
    (B) First
    (C) Second
    (D) Fractional

6. The order of the reaction as shown in the bellow figure, is
    (A) 0
    (B) 1
    (C) 2
    (D) 3

7. A chemical reaction occurs, when the energy of the reacting molecules is __________ the activation energy of reaction.
    (A) Less than
    (B) Equal to
    (C) More than
    (D) Equal to or more than

8. If a solid-gas non-catalytic reaction occurs at very high temperature, the rate controlling step is the __________ diffusion.
    (A) Film
    (B) Ash layer
    (C) Pore
    (D) None of these

9. Space velocity
    (A) Describes the extensive operating characteristics of a tubular flow reactor
    (B) Is the maximum feed rate per unit volume of reactor for a given conversion
    (C) Is a measure of the ease of the reaction
    (D) All (a), (b) and (c)

10. The heat of reaction
    (A) Depends on the pressure only
    (B) Depends on the mechanism of reaction only
    (C) Depends on both pressure and mechanism of reaction
    (D) Is independent of the mechanism of reaction

11. The half life period 't' of a zero order reaction as shown in the bellow figure, is equal to
    (A) CA0/2K
    (B) CA0/K
    (C) 0.693/K
    (D) 1/K

12. The conversion of a reactant, undergoing a first order reaction, at a time equal to three times the half life of the reaction is:
    (A) 0.875
    (B) 0.5
    (C) 0.425
    (D) Data insufficient to calculate

13. Semibatch reactor is preferred, when a/an
    (A) A highly exothermic reaction is to be controlled
    (B) Undesirable side reaction (at high concentration of one of the reactants) is to be avoided
    (C) A gas is to be reacted with liquid (e.g. hydrogenation of fat)
    (D) All (a), (b), and (c)

14. Photo-chemical reactions occur in presence of
    (A) Sunlight
    (B) Darkness
    (C) Solid catalysts
    (D) Monochromatic radiation only

15. In an exothermic reaction, the energy of the reacting substances as compared to that of products is
    (A) More
    (B) Less
    (C) Same
    (D) Either (a) or (b), depends on order of reaction

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