Practice Test: Question Set - 12
1. Fugacity is a measure of the
- (A) Escaping tendencies of the same substance in
different phases of a system
- (B) Relative volatility of a mixture of two miscible
- (C) Behavior of ideal gases
- (D) None of these
2. Pick out the wrong statement.
- (A) The net change in entropy in any reversible cycle is always zero
- (B) The entropy of the system as a whole in an irreversible process
- (C) The entropy of the universe tends to a maximum
- (D) The entropy of a substance does not remain
constant during a reversible adiabatic change
3. A system is said to be at equilibrium, if the entropy of the system has reached __________ value.
- (A) Minimum
- (B) Zero
- (C) Maximum
- (D) None of these
4. During Joule-Thomson expansion of gases
- (A) Enthalpy remains constant
- (B) Entropy remains constant
- (C) Temperature remains constant
- (D) None of these
5. The kinetic energy of gas molecule is zero at
- (A) 0°C
- (B) 273°C
- (C) 100°C
- (D) -273°C
6. The value of Joule-Thomson co-efficient, in case where cooling occurs after the throttling process is
- (A) 0
- (B) ∞
- (C) +ve
- (D) -ve
7. In the equation PVn = constant, if the value of n = y = Cp/Cv, then it represents a reversible __________ process.
- (A) Isothermal
- (B) Adiabatic
- (C) Isentropic
- (D) Polytropic
8. Joule-Thomson co-efficient is defined as
- (A) µ = (∂P/∂T)H
- (B) µ = (∂T/∂P)H
- (C) µ = (∂E/∂T)H
- (D) µ = (∂E/∂P)H
9. Linde gas liquefaction process employs cooling
- (A) By throttling
- (B) By expansion in an engine
- (C) At constant pressure
- (D) None of these
10. Gibbs free energy per mole for a pure substance is equal to the
- (A) Latent heat of vaporization
- (B) Chemical potential
- (C) Molal boiling point
- (D) Heat capacity
11. For a given substance at a specified temperature, activity is __________ to fugacity.
- (A) Directly proportional
- (B) Inversely proportional
- (C) Equal
- (D) None of these
12. All gases except __________ shows a cooling effect during throttling process at atmospheric temperature and pressure.
- (A) Oxygen
- (B) Nitrogen
- (C) Air
- (D) Hydrogen
13. To obtain integrated form of Clausius-Clapeyron equation, ln (P2/P1) = (∆HV/R) (1/T1 - 1/T2) from the exact Clapeyron equation, it is assumed that the
- (A) Volume of the liquid phase is negligible compared to that of vapor
- (B) Vapor phase behaves as an ideal gas
- (C) Heat of vaporization is independent of temperature
- (D) All (a), (b) & (c)
14. Out of the following refrigeration cycles, which one has maximum COP?
- (A) Air cycle
- (B) Carnot cycle
- (C) Ordinary vapor compression cycle
- (D) Vapor compression with a reversible expansion engine
15. Joule-Thomson co-efficient which is defined as, η = (∂T/∂P)H = 1/Cp (∂H/∂T)P, changes sign at a temperature known as inversion temperature. The value of Joule-Thomson co-efficient at inversion temperature is
- (A) 0
- (B) ∞
- (C) +ve
- (D) -ve
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