Practice Test: Question Set - 39
1. What is the reflux ratio at total reflux?
- (A) Zero
- (B) Infinity
- (C) Unity
- (D) Data insufficient
2. The operating line for an absorber is curved, when plotted in terms of
- (A) Mole
- (B) Mole ratios
- (C) Partial pressure
- (D) Mass fractions
3. Which of the following is the most suitable for extraction in a system having very low density difference?
- (A) Mixer-settler
- (B) Centrifugal extractor
- (C) Pulsed extractor
- (D) Packed extraction
4. (NSh/NRe.NSc) is termed in mass transfer operation as the
- (A) Stanton number
- (B) Peclet number
- (C) Thermal diffusivity
- (D) Momentum diffusivity
5. In the desorption of highly soluble gas from the liquid, the main resistance will be in the __________ phase.
- (A) Gas
- (B) Liquid
- (C) Both (a) & (b)
- (D) Neither (a) nor (b)
6. Positive deviation from Raoult's law means a mixture whose total pressure is
- (A) Greater than that
computed for ideality
- (B) Less than that
computed for ideality
- (C) Less than the sum of
the vapor pressure of the components
- (D) None of these
7. Flooding results in
- (A) High tray efficiency
- (B) Low tray efficiency
- (C) High gas velocity
- (D) Good contact between
the fluids
8. At minimum reflux ratio for a given separation
- (A) Number of plates is
- (B) Number of plates is
- (C) Minimum number of the
theoretical plates is required
- (D) Separation is most
9. An ideal tower packing should not
- (A) Have low weight per
unit volume
- (B) Have large surface
area per unit volume
- (C) Have large free
- (D) Hold up large amount
of liquid in the packing
10. Diffusion in concentrated solutions differs from that in dilute solutions, because of the change in the __________ with the concentration of the solution.
- (A) Degree of ideality
- (B) Viscosity
- (C) Both 'a '& 'b'
- (D) Neither 'a' nor 'b'
11. Make up water is supplied during cooling tower operation to compensate for water losses due to
- (A) Evaporation
- (B) Blowdown
- (C) Entrainment
- (D) All (a), (b) &
12. The dimension of diffusivity is same as that of the
- (A) Density
- (B) Molal
- (C) Kinematic
- (D) Velocity head
13. As the reflux ratio in a distillation column is increased from the minimum, the
- (A) Slope of the
operating line in stripping section decreases
- (B) Number of plates
decreases very slowly first and then more and more rapidly
- (C) Total cost first
decreases and then increases
- (D) Liquid flow increases
while the vapor flow decreases for a system
14. Fenske-Underwood equation used for calculating the minimum number of theoretical plates in distillation column is valid for
- (A) Constant molal
- (B) Total reflux
- (C) Constant relative
- (D) All (a), (b) and (c)
15. Solvent used in extractive distillation
- (A) Is of low volatility
- (B) Forms a low boiling
- (C) Forms a high boiling
- (D) Does not alter the
relative volatility of the original components
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