Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics GATE Questions - Set 32 - ObjectiveBooks

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics GATE Questions - Set 32

Practice Test: Question Set - 32

1. In a fully turbulent flow (Re > 105) in a pipe of diameter 'd', for a constant pressure gradient, the dependence of volumetric flow rate of an incompressible fluid is
    (A) d
    (B) d2
    (C) d2.5
    (D) d4

2. Turbulent flow generally occurs for cases involving
    (A) Highly viscous fluid
    (B) Very narrow passages
    (C) Very slow motion
    (D) None of these

3. For a particle settling in water at its terminal settling velocity, which of the following is true?
    (A) Buoyancy = weight + drag
    (B) Weight = buoyancy + drag
    (C) Drag = buoyancy + weight
    (D) Drag = weight

4. The ratio of wall drag to total drag in the Stoke's law range is
    (A) 0.5
    (B) 1
    (C) 1/3
    (D) 2/3

5. Gear pump
    (A) Is a positive displacement pump
    (B) Is a centrifugal pump
    (C) Is a non-positive displacement pump
    (D) Can be started with delivery valve closed

6. A Venturimeter cannot be used for the direct measurement of
    (A) Datum difference in the stretch of pipe-flow
    (B) Pressure difference in the flow through pipeline
    (C) Friction loss in pipe flow
    (D) All (a), (b) and (c)

7. Most commonly used joint in the underground pipe lines is the
    (A) Sleeve joint
    (B) Coupling
    (C) Flange
    (D) Expansion joint

8. For a given Reynold number as d/D for an orifice increases, Cd will (where, d & D are orifice & pipe diameters respectively).
    (A) Increase
    (B) Decrease
    (C) Remain constant
    (D) Either (a) or (b); depends on other factors

9. Ratio of pressure and inertia force gives __________ number.
    (A) Weber
    (B) Mach
    (C) Euler
    (D) Froude

10. Speed of sound in an ideal gas depends on its
    (A) Temperature
    (B) Pressure
    (C) Specific volume
    (D) None of these

11. With increasing flow rate, the hydraulic efficiency of a centrifugal pump
    (A) Monotonically decreases
    (B) Decreases and then increases
    (C) Remains constant
    (D) Increases and then decreases

12. The temperature in isentropic flow
    (A) Does not depend on Mach number
    (B) Depends on Mach number only
    (C) Cannot drop and then increase again downstream
    (D) None of these

13. Steady uniform flow is represented by flow through a/an
    (A) Long pipe at constant rate
    (B) Long pipe at decreasing rate
    (C) Expanding tube at constant rate
    (D) None of these

14. Pipes having diameter 14 inches or more are designated by their
    (A) Outside diameter
    (B) Inside diameter
    (C) Schedule number
    (D) None of these

15. Which of the following is not a dimension-less parameter?
    (A) Euler number
    (B) Specific gravity
    (C) Fanning friction factor
    (D) None of these

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