Fluid Mechanics Qualifying Exam Study Material Questions with Solution - Set 11 - ObjectiveBooks

Fluid Mechanics Qualifying Exam Study Material Questions with Solution - Set 11

Practice Test: Question Set - 11

1. __________ is an example of axial flow impeller.
    (A) Paddle
    (B) Turbine
    (C) Propeller
    (D) All (a), (b) and (c)

2. The blades of a centrifugal impeller are said to be curved forward, if the __________ of the motion of impeller blades.
    (A) Inlet tip of a blade curves in a direction opposite to that
    (B) Outlet tip of a blade curves in a direction opposite to that
    (C) Inlet tip of a blade is towards the direction
    (D) Outlet tip of a blade is towards the direction

3. An ideal fluid is
    (A) Frictionless & incompressible
    (B) One, which obeys Newton's law of viscosity
    (C) Highly viscous
    (D) None of these

4. A liquid is pumped at the rate of 600 liters using 1000 rpm. If the rpm is changed to 1100, the liquid pumped is __________ liters.
    (A) 600
    (B) 660
    (C) 1.1
    (D) 60

5. Plunger pumps are used for
    (A) Higher pressure
    (B) Slurries
    (C) Viscous mass
    (D) None of these

6. A weir is used to measure the large water discharge rate from a river or from an open channel. A weir is not of __________ shape.
    (A) Circular
    (B) Rectangular
    (C) Triangular
    (D) Trapezoidal

7. The maximum delivery pressure of a reciprocating compressor may be about __________ kg/cm2.
    (A) 1000
    (B) 2000
    (C) 3000
    (D) 4000

8. Centrifugal pump can't be used to pump
    (A) Molten sodium (used as a coolant in Fast Breeder Reactor)
    (B) Moderately viscous vegetable oil used in soap industry
    (C) Thick molten soap at 80°C
    (D) None of the above

9. Identification of pipelines carrying different liquids and gases is done by the __________ of the pipe.
    (A) Diameter
    (B) Color
    (C) Altitude
    (D) None of these

10. __________ flow means the flow of incompressible fluid with no shear.
    (A) Potential
    (B) Streamline
    (C) Creep
    (D) Boundary layer

11. Which of the following is not a dimension-less parameter?
    (A) Pressure-co-efficient
    (B) Froude number
    (C) Kinematic viscosity
    (D) Weber number

12. Boundary layer thickness in laminar flow over a flat plate increases as(where, d = distance from the leading edge.)
    (A) √d
    (B) d1/3
    (C) d2
    (D) d2/3

13. Purpose of air lift pump is to
    (A) Compress air
    (B) Lift compressed air
    (C) Lift water from a well by using compressed air
    (D) Lift air under negative pressure

14. Normal depth in open channel flow is the depth of flow in the channel
    (A) Corresponding to uniform flow
    (B) Measured normal to the channel bed
    (C) Corresponding to steady flow
    (D) None of these

15. Pressure co-efficient is the ratio of pressure forces to __________ forces.
    (A) Gravity
    (B) Inertial
    (C) Viscous
    (D) None of these

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