Fuel Combustion Release & Regulator Questions with Answers - Set 30 - ObjectiveBooks

Fuel Combustion Release & Regulator Questions with Answers - Set 30

Practice Test: Question Set - 30

1. Junker's calorimeter is used to determine the calorific value of
    (A) Pulverized coal
    (B) Gaseous fuels
    (C) Fuel oil
    (D) None of these

2. Pick the odd man out.
    (A) Briquettes
    (B) Wood
    (C) Oil gas
    (D) Pitch creosote mixture

3. Deficiency of combustion air during combustion of a gaseous fuel
    (A) Lengthens the flame
    (B) Causes heat loss of fuel by its partial combustion
    (C) Both (a) & (b)
    (D) Shortens the flame

4. Method of maintaining fires in furnace during standby periods without undue consumption of fuel is called
    (A) Back draughting
    (B) Banking
    (C) Under pressurizing
    (D) None of these

5. Fossil fuels mean
    (A) Solid fuels
    (B) Liquid fuels
    (C) Those fuels which are found in the crust of earth
    (D) Premature fuels with low calorific value

6. Stack heat losses can be minimized by
    (A) Controlling the excess air
    (B) Oxygen enrichment of combustion air
    (C) Using low c.v. fuels
    (D) Maintaining proper draft in the furnace

7. Removal of hydrogen from coke oven gas
    (A) Increases its calorific value
    (B) Decreases its calorific value
    (C) Does not alter its calorific value
    (D) Is not possible on commercial scale

8. Calorific value of bituminous coal may be around __________ Kcal/kg.
    (A) 500
    (B) 1500
    (C) 6500
    (D) 20000

9. Gross & net calorific value is the same for
    (A) Blast furnace gas
    (B) Coke oven gas
    (C) L.D. converter gas
    (D) None of these

10. Calorific values of both the solid as well as the liquid fuels can be determined by __________ calorimeter.
    (A) Bomb
    (B) Boy's
    (C) Junkers
    (D) None of these

11. A good coking coal should have high __________ content.
    (A) Ash
    (B) Sulphur & phosphorus
    (C) Moisture
    (D) None of these

12. Fuel gases containing hydrocarbons (e.g. coke oven gas) are not preheated before burning, mainly because
    (A) The hydrocarbons crack thereby choking and fouling the heat transfer surface by carbon soot
    (B) It reduces its calorific value tremendously
    (C) It reduces its flame temperature tremendously
    (D) There are chances of explosion during preheating

13. The ratio of maximum adiabatic flame temperature in air to that in pure oxygen is always
    (A) 1
    (B) < 1
    (C) > 1
    (D) Unpredictable

14. Calorific value of pitch creosote mixture (PCM) i.e., C.T.F.-200 is about
    (A) 8800 kcal/m3
    (B) 8800 kcal/kg
    (C) Same as that of coal middling
    (D) 25000 kcal/kg

15. Which of the following is not a by-product recovered in a high temperature coal carbonisation plant?
    (A) Benzol
    (B) Pitch-creosote mixture (PCM)
    (C) Naphthalene
    (D) Ethylene

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