Practice Test: Question Set - 06
1. Steam economy in case of a triple effect evaporator will be
- (A) 1
- (B) < 1
- (C) > 1
- (D) Between 0 and 1
2. Dittus-Boelter equation used for the determination of heat transfer co-efficient is valid
- (A) For fluids in laminar flow
- (B) For fluids in turbulent flow
- (C) When Grashoff number is very important
- (D) For liquid metals
3. In a forward feed multiple effect evaporator unit
- (A) Viscosity of liquid is highest in first effect
- (B) Transfer from effect to effect is done by pumps
- (C) No pump is required to withdraw the product from the last effect
- (D) None of these
4. In a shell and tube heat exchanger, floating head is used for
- (A) Large temperature differentials
- (B) High heat transfer co-efficient
- (C) Low pressure drop
- (D) Less corrosion of tubes
5. The heat transfer co-efficient in film type condensation is __________ that for dropwise condensation.
- (A) Greater than
- (B) Lower than
- (C) Is same as
- (D) Half
6. Resistance to heat flow by conduction is proportional to (where, t & ρ are thickness & density of the material respectively and A = area normal to the direction of heat flow.)
- (A) t
- (B) 1/ρ
- (C) 1/A
- (D) All (a), (b) & (c)
7. Dropwise condensation is promoted on a/an __________ surface.
- (A) Glazed
- (B) Oily
- (C) Coated
- (D) Smooth
8. Maximum heat transfer rate is obtained in __________ flow.
- (A) Laminar
- (B) Turbulent
- (C) Creeping
- (D) Transition region
9. Which of the following parameters of the fluid is not very important, while deciding its route in a shell and tube heat exchanger?
- (A) Corrosiveness & fouling characteristics
- (B) Pressure
- (C) Viscosity
- (D) Density
10. In case of a super-cooled solution, which is on the verge of crystallization, the free energy of the solution as compared to that of the solid is
- (A) More
- (B) Less
- (C) Same
- (D) More or less; depends on the nature of solution
11. It is desired to concentrate a 20% salt solution (20 kg of salt in 100 kg of solution) to a 30% salt solution in an evaporator. Consider a feed of 300 kg/min at 30°C. The boiling point of the solution is 110°C, the latent heat of vaporization is 2100 kJ/kg and the specific heat of the solution is 4 kJ/kg.K. The rate at which the heat has to be supplied in (kJ/min) to the evaporator is
- (A) 3.06 × 105
- (B) 6.12 × 105
- (C) 7.24 × 105
- (D) 9.08 × 105
12. In a single evaporator system, the steam economy __________ by creating vacuum in the evaporator.
- (A) Increases
- (B) Decreases
- (C) Remain constant
- (D) May increase or decrease, depends on the vacuum
13. Fqra cold viscous feed, backward feed gives __________ than forward feed.
- (A) A higher capacity
- (B) A lower capacity
- (C) Lower economy
- (D) None of these
14. Cpµ/K is termed as the __________ number.
- (A) Grashoff
- (B) Nusselt
- (C) Prandtl
- (D) Stanton
15. The overall heat transfer co-efficient for a shell and tube heat exchanger for clean surfaces is U0 = 400 W/m2.K. The fouling factor after one year of operation is found to be hd0 = 2000 W/m2.K. The overall heat transfer co-efficient at this time is
- (A) 1200 W/m2.K
- (B) 894 W/m2.K
- (C) 333 W/m2.K
- (D) 287 W/m2.K
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