Materials of Construction for Chemical Process Industries MCQ - Set 25 - ObjectiveBooks

Materials of Construction for Chemical Process Industries MCQ - Set 25

Practice Test: Question Set - 25

1. Which of the following contains maximum percentage of carbon?
    (A) Boiler plate steel
    (B) Rail steel
    (C) Saws for cutting steel
    (D) Railway spring steel

2. Zinc is highly __________ at room temperature.
    (A) Ductile
    (B) Resistant to atmospheric corrosion
    (C) Malleable
    (D) Brittle

3. Which of the following has the poorest weldability?
    (A) Low carbon steel
    (B) Mild steel
    (C) Wrought iron
    (D) High-carbon steel

4. Liquid ammonia is shipped in __________ containers.
    (A) Steel
    (B) Aluminium
    (C) Glass
    (D) Lead lined

5. Bronze is an alloy of copper and
    (A) Lead
    (B) Tin
    (C) Nickel
    (D) Zinc

6. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by the addition of
    (A) Phosphorous and tungsten
    (B) Nickel and chromium
    (C) Lead and vanadium
    (D) Molybdenum and tungsten

7. A steel alloy containing 36% nickel is called __________, which has a zero co-efficient of expansion.
    (A) Austenitic stainless steel
    (B) Heat resisting steel
    (C) Invar
    (D) High speed steel

8. Which of the following crystal structures characterizes the austenitic stainless steel?
    (A) Simple hexagonal
    (B) Body centered cubic
    (C) Face centered cubic
    (D) None of these

9. Silicon percentage in acid resistant cast iron is about
    (A) 4
    (B) 8
    (C) 14
    (D) 20

10. Maximum consumption of zinc is in
    (A) Alloying
    (B) Galvanizing
    (C) Utensil manufacture
    (D) Electrical industry

11. Phenol is not shipped in
    (A) Nickel lined steel tank cars
    (B) Galvanized or tin lined drums
    (C) Boxed glass carboys
    (D) Cast iron containers

12. The purpose of nitriding the steel is to
    (A) Harden its surface
    (B) Soften its surface
    (C) Improve its reliability
    (D) None of these

13. __________ steel is widely used for the manufacture of motor car crankshafts.
    (A) Silicon
    (B) Nickel
    (C) Chrome
    (D) High speed

14. Tank furnace used for melting of glass is made of
    (A) Mild steel
    (B) Cast iron
    (C) Refractory blocks
    (D) Stainless steel

15. Addition of tungsten to steel imparts
    (A) Magnetic properties
    (B) Cutting hardness
    (C) Corrosion resistance
    (D) Ductility

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