Mechanical Operations Multiple Choice Questions - Set 13 - ObjectiveBooks

Mechanical Operations Multiple Choice Questions - Set 13

Practice Test: Question Set - 13

1. The opening of a 200 mesh screen (Taylor series) is
    (A) 0.0074 cm
    (B) 0.0074 mm
    (C) 0.0047 cm
    (D) 74 milli-microns

2. Filtration rate does not depend upon the
    (A) Pressure drop & area of filtering surface
    (B) Resistance of the cake & the septum
    (C) Properties of the cake & the filtrate
    (D) None of these

3. Rittinger's crushing law states that
    (A) Work required to form a particle of any size is proportional to the square of the surface to volume ratio of the product
    (B) Work required to form a particle of a particular size is proportional to the square root of the surface to volume ratio of the product
    (C) Work required in crushing is proportional to the new surface created
    (D) For a given machine and feed, crushing efficiency is dependent on the size of the feed & product

4. Shape factor for a cylinder whose length equals its diameter is
    (A) 1.5
    (B) 0.5
    (C) 1.0
    (D) 2.0

5. Paddle agitator
    (A) Is suitable for mixing low viscosity liquids
    (B) Produces axial flow
    (C) Moves at very high speed
    (D) None of these

6. Which of the following is a batch sedimentation equipment?
    (A) Dust catcher
    (B) Filter thickener
    (C) Dry cyclone separator
    (D) Rotary sprayer scrubber

7. During washing of filter at the end of constant pressure filtration, the rate of washing equals the rate of filtration
    (A) At time zero
    (B) At the end of filtration
    (C) When half the filtrate has been obtained
    (D) At the end of filtration, but decreases with time subsequently

8. Cyclones are used primarily for separating
    (A) Solids
    (B) Solids from fluids
    (C) Liquids
    (D) Solids from solids

9. Ball mill is used for
    (A) Crushing
    (B) Coarse grinding
    (C) Fine grinding
    (D) Attrition

10. Traces of liquid tar fog present in coke oven gas is separated using
    (A) Electrostatic precipitator
    (B) Cyclone separator
    (C) Strainer
    (D) None of these

11. Size reduction of moulding powders, waxes, resins & gums are done in a __________ mill.
    (A) Cage
    (B) Hammer
    (C) Both (a) & (b)
    (D) Neither (a) nor (b)

12. For a cyclone of diameter 0.2 m with a tangential velocity of 15 m/s at the wall, the separation factor is
    (A) 2250
    (B) 1125
    (C) 460
    (D) 230

13. __________ is defined as the geometric mean of the relative rejections and the relative recoveries of two minerals.
    (A) Separation efficiency
    (B) Selectivity index
    (C) Concentration ratio
    (D) None of these

14. Separation of solid particles based on their densities is called
    (A) Sizing
    (B) Sorting
    (C) Clarification
    (D) Dispersion

15. rpm of a trommel at critical speed is given by (where, D = Diameter of trommel in ft)
    (A) 76.65/D
    (B) 76.65/√D
    (C) 76.65/D2
    (D) 76.75 √D

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