Industrial Training Institute Basic Fittings Questions - ObjectiveBooks

Industrial Training Institute Basic Fittings Questions

Practice Test: Question Set - 03

1. What is the purpose of ‘depth stop’ in a drilling machine?
    (A) To drill big holes
    (B) To flush out chips
    (C) To measure hole depth
    (D) To control the down ward movement of drill

2. Which instrument is used for comparing and determining the variation in the size of compared?
    (A) Micrometer
    (B) Vernier caliper
    (C) Combination set
    (D) Dial test indicator

3. What is the least count of metric Vernier micro meter?
    (A) 0.1 mm
    (B) 0.01 mm
    (C) 0.001 mm
    (D) 0.0001 mm

4. Which type of drilling machine is most suitable to drill in a very large and heavy work pieces?
    (A) Pillar drilling machine
    (B) Radial drilling machine
    (C) Portable drilling machine
    (D) Sensitive drilling machine

5. What is the distance a drill advances in one rotation while drilling?
    (A) Feed
    (B) Depth of cut
    (C) Cutting speed
    (D) Cutting length

6. What is the angle of beveled heads of counter sink head screws?
    (A) 75°
    (B) 80°
    (C) 90°
    (D) 120°

7. Which type of drilling machine is best suited to drill multiple holes in a work piece in a single setting?
    (A) Radial
    (B) Portable
    (C) Sensitive
    (D) Pillar type

8. What is the least count in a Vernier caliper if 9 main scale divisions (9mm) are divided in to 10 equal parts in the Vernier scale?
    (A) 0.02 mm
    (B) 0.05 mm
    (C) 0.10 mm
    (D) 0.20 mm

9. How much distance is moved by the spindle of micrometer in one rotation?
    (A) 0.50 mm
    (B) 0.75 mm
    (C) 1.00 mm
    (D) 1.50 mm

10. What is the function of ratchet stop in a micro meter?
    (A) Increases accuracy
    (B) Strengthen the spindle
    (C) Ensure uniform pressure
    (D) Keeps high pressure on anvil

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