Practice Test: Question Set - 01
1. Which of the following can be seen first in part option under application option in an inventor?
- (A) Sketch on x,
y plane
- (B) Sketch on y,
z plane
- (C) No new
- (D) Sketch on x,
z plane
2. Which function will create a pocket in a SolidWorks model?
- (A) Feature
- (B) Fillet
- (C) Extruded
- (D) Extruded cut
3. Which type of document can be created to draw in SolidWorks?
- (A) 2D document
- (B) 3D document
- (C) 4D document
- (D) 6D document
4. Which command is used to obtain common region of two intersecting parts in Auto cad?
- (A) Subtract
- (B) Intersect
- (C) Revolve
- (D) Union
5. Which of the following is related to the 2D poly line?
- (A) Arc &
line together
- (B) Change the
arc to the line
- (C) Only make
- (D) Change the
line to the arc
6. Which command is used for adding height to 2D figure in Auto cad?
- (A) Extrude
- (B) Extend
- (C) Explode
- (D) Union
7. What is the function of "cut-extrude feature" in SolidWorks?
- (A) Material
- (B) Material
- (C) Part removal
- (D) Part
8. Which one is not seen in "draw toolbar" in inventor?
- (A) Circle
- (B) Rectangle
- (C) Axis
- (D) Arc
9. Towards which side in the view tool bar will position the view of the 3D solid?
- (A) SE Isometric
- (B) Right
- (C) EW Isometric
- (D) Front
10. What is the full form of CAD?
- (A) Computer
Aided Drafting
- (B) Complete
Arrange Drafting
- (C) Communication
Aided Drafting
- (D) Communication
Arrange Drafting
11. Which command is used to create specific gap of a line?
- (A) Break
two points
- (B) Break one
- (C) Trim
- (D) Short
12. Which of the following feature allows the material to a solid in SolidWorks?
- (A) Solid
creations mode
- (B) Feature
- (C) Sketch mode
- (D) Solid
editing mode
13. In which tool bar the free orbit tool is found in 3D modeling?
- (A) Rotate
- (B) Modify
- (C) Move
- (D) 3D move
14. What is TTR method of drawing circle in AutoCAD?
- (A) Tangent
Tangent Rectangle
- (B) Tangent Trim
- (C) Tangent
Tangent Radius
- (D) Total Trim
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