Practice Test: Question Set - 01
1. Which foundation is provided for heavy works at a depth of 12 m to 15 m below the level of standing water surface?
- (A) Well
- (B) Caisson
- (C) Coffer dam
- (D) Pile
2. What is the name of the abutment shown in figure?
- (A) Straight
- (B) Splayed wing
- (C) Return wing
- (D) Straight
wing wall
3. What plays a great role in fixing the height of bridge?
- (A) Design
- (B) Effect of
- (C) Highest
flood level
- (D) Type of
4. Which caisson the ratio of sinking effort to skin friction is maximum?
- (A) Circular
- (B) Box
- (C) Dumb well
- (D) Pneumatic
5. Which is a temporary structure constructed to remove water or soil from an area to carry construction under dry condition?
- (A) Caisson
- (B) Well
- (C) Coffer dam
- (D) Box
6. Which bridge composed of several small spans for crossing a valley?
- (A) Aqueduct
- (B) Fort
- (C) Viaduct
- (D) Deck
7. What plays a great role in fixing the height of bridge?
- (A) Design
- (B) Effect of
- (C) Highest
flood level
- (D) Type of
8. What is the minimum percentage of oxygen concentration in underground air quality for tunnel?
- (A) 0.125
- (B) 0.155
- (C) 0.175
- (D) 0.195
9. What is the rise in level of the river water due to obstruction of bridge?
- (A) Highest
flood level
- (B) Run off
- (C) Afflux
- (D) Free board
10. Which foundation is suitable for the construction of bridge?
- (A) Pile
- (B) Shallow
- (C) Grillage
- (D) Inverted
11. What is the shape of the wing wall if it is inclined in plan?
- (A) Straight
- (B) Return wall
- (C) Square
- (D) Splayed
12. Which is the intermediate support of a bridge superstructure?
- (A) Foundation
- (B) Pier
- (C) Abutment
- (D) Wing wall
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