Carpentry Works Step by Step - Wood Engineering - Set 12 - ObjectiveBooks

Carpentry Works Step by Step - Wood Engineering - Set 12

Practice Test: Question Set - 12

1. One method for cutting an exterior corner is to make a slightly curved cut at the corner and then trim off the stock.
    (A) True
    (B) False

2. Sanding done on the stationary disc sander should be done only on the upward-moving side of the disc.
    (A) True
    (B) False

3. Wax can be used by itself as a finish for most woods.
    (A) True
    (B) False

4. Tempered hardboard has been hardened by being dipped into plastics and air dried.
    (A) True
    (B) False

5. Working drawings give the dimensions for the object.
    (A) True
    (B) False

6. With a depth stop, you can convert a power drill into a small drill press.
    (A) True
    (B) False

7. The fence on a biscuit machine cannot be adjusted to angles other than 90 degrees.
    (A) True
    (B) False

8. Wooden drawer bottoms should be glued and then nailed to the drawer frames to prevent changes caused by humidity.
    (A) True
    (B) False

9. Miter joints can be used to join two pieces having different widths.
    (A) True
    (B) False

10. A half-blind dovetail joint can be seen from the side but not from the front.
    (A) True
    (B) False

11. During a trial assembly, parts should be checked with a square.
    (A) True
    (B) False

12. Never pull on a board being planed.
    (A) True
    (B) False

13. A dado head can cut either with or across the grain.
    (A) True
    (B) False

14. When folding a band saw blade, step on the blade to hold it to the floor.
    (A) True
    (B) False

15. When operating the router, hold it with one hand while turning the workpiece with the other hand.
    (A) True
    (B) False

16. Sealing should be done before staining.
    (A) True
    (B) False

17. More than 11,500 people die from work-related injuries each year.
    (A) True
    (B) False

18. Pneumatic nailers increase nailing accuracy.
    (A) True
    (B) False

19. Screws used in end grain should be short and thick for more holding power.
    (A) True
    (B) False

20. For a cross-lap joint, material is removed from only one piece.
    (A) True
    (B) False

21. Use a try square to check that the corners of a frame fit properly.
    (A) True
    (B) False

22. A trial assembly allows you to adjust all clamps to the correct width.
    (A) True
    (B) False

23. Around 1850, almost all highly styled furniture was veneered.
    (A) True
    (B) False

24. Because a dado head is larger than a saw blade, the throat plate on the table saw must have a wider opening.
    (A) True
    (B) False

25. When re-sawing, use the narrowest possible blade.
    (A) True
    (B) False

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