Chain Surveying Objective Questions online Practice Test - Set 01 - ObjectiveBooks

Chain Surveying Objective Questions online Practice Test - Set 01

Practice Test: Question Set - 01

1. What is the bench mark established for short duration and the work should be resumed from these bench marks?
    (A) G.T.S bench mark
    (B) Arbitrary bench mark
    (C) Permanent bench mark
    (D) Temporary bench mark

2. What is the offset that is measured other than right angle to the chain line from the object?
    (A) Short offset
    (B) Long offset
    (C) Oblique offset
    (D) Perpendicular offset

3. What is the length of metallic tape available in feet?
    (A) 15 feet and 30 feet
    (B) 30 feet and 45 feet
    (C) 45 feet and 60 feet
    (D) 50 feet and 100 feet

4. What is the limit of error for 30 m chain as per IS?
    (A) ± 2 mm
    (B) ± 4 mm
    (C) ± 6 mm
    (D) ± 8 mm

5. What is the surface that is normal to the direction of gravity at all points?
    (A) Horizontal surface
    (B) Horizontal line
    (C) Level surface
    (D) Level Line

6. What is the work carried to fix national and state boundaries?
    (A) Contouring
    (B) Levelling
    (C) Work from whole to part
    (D) Surveying

7. What is the term for error that occurs due to faulty adjustments of device such as chain may be too long or too short?
    (A) Natural error
    (B) Personal error
    (C) Artificial error
    (D) Instrumental error

8. What is the term that the distance measured at right angles to the chain line from the object?
    (A) Short offset
    (B) Long offset
    (C) Oblique offset
    (D) Perpendicular offset

9. How the chain is adjusted if the chain is found to increase in length than the standard length?
    (A) By removing some of the rings
    (B) By straightening the bent of links
    (C) By adjusting the links at the handle
    (D) By inserting the new rings as required

10. What is the name of the setting out the work on the ground?
    (A) Location survey
    (B) Preliminary survey
    (C) Topographical survey
    (D) Engineering survey

11. What is the line that lies on a level surface and is normal to plumb line at all points?
    (A) Level line
    (B) Vertical line
    (C) Datum line
    (D) Horizontal line

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