Civil Draughtsman - Estimation Multiple Choice Questions - Set 03 - ObjectiveBooks

Civil Draughtsman - Estimation Multiple Choice Questions - Set 03

Practice Test: Question Set - 03

1. What (%) percentage is added as contingencies in approximate estimate?
    (A) 1% to 5%
    (B) 5% to 10%
    (C) 10% to 12%
    (D) 10% to 15%

2. What percentage of plinth area is provided for horizontal circulation area?
    (A) 5 to 10%
    (B) 10 to 15%
    (C) 15 to 20%
    (D) 20 to 25%

3. What is the minimum length for bill quantity calculation?
    (A) 0.5 mm
    (B) 1 mm
    (C) 1 cm
    (D) 10 cm

4. What is the density of mild steel?
    (A) 0.785 q/cu.m
    (B) 7.85 q/cu.m
    (C) 78.5 q/cu.m
    (D) 785 q/cu.m

5. What percentage of plinth area is provided for horizontal circulation area?
    (A) 5 to 10%
    (B) 10 to 15%
    (C) 15 to 20%
    (D) 20 to 25%

6. What is the measuring unit for soling layer?
    (A) m
    (B) sq.m
    (C) cu.m
    (D) Nos.

7. How aggregate is specified?
    (A) Size in mm
    (B) Length in mm
    (C) Height and breadth in cm
    (D) Length in m, section in mm

8. What is the unit for excavation in M.K.S system?
    (A) m
    (B) sq.m2
    (C) cu.m
    (D) No.

9. What is the unit for flooring in MKS system?
    (A) m
    (B) sq.m
    (C) cu.m
    (D) Nos. 

10. What percentage of plinth area of the residential building comes to carpet area?
    (A) 40 to 55%
    (B) 50 to 65%
    (C) 60 to 75%
    (D) 70 to 85%

11. What is the measuring unit for modern door and window frames?
    (A) m
    (B) sq.m
    (C) cu.m
    (D) mm

12. What is the measuring unit for modern door and window frames?
    (A) m
    (B) sq.m
    (C) cu.m
    (D) mm 

13. Which brick wall thickness is measured in sq.m?
    (A) 10 cm
    (B) 15 cm
    (C) 20 cm
    (D) 30 cm

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