Data required for Rate Analysis Objective (MCQ) Questions - Set 01 - ObjectiveBooks

Data required for Rate Analysis Objective (MCQ) Questions - Set 01

Practice Test: Question Set - 01

1. Which cement concrete proportion is used for damp proofing first class building?
    (A) 1 : 1.5 : 3
    (B) 1 : 2 : 4
    (C) 1 : 2 : 6
    (D) 1 : 4 : 8

2. What quantity of stone is required for 1 m3 of rubble masonry?
    (A) 0.5 cu.m
    (B) 0.75 cu.m
    (C) 1.00 cu.m
    (D) 1.25 cu.m

3. What is the area by trapezoidal rule?
Rate Analysis - Draughtsman Civil
    (A) 764.5 m2
    (B) 770.5 m2
    (C) 780.5 m2
    (D) 790.5 m2

4. Who prepares the schedule of rates?
    (A) Engineering department
    (B) Contractors
    (C) Private agencies
    (D) Government agencies

5. What is the out-turn of mason constructing stone arch work?
    (A) 0.40 cu.m
    (B) 0.55 cu.m
    (C) 0.80 cu.m
    (D) 0.90 cu.m

6. Which cement concrete proportion is used for damp proofing first class building?
    (A) 1 : 1.5 : 3
    (B) 1 : 2 : 4
    (C) 1 : 2 : 6
    (D) 1 : 4 : 8

7. What quantity of stone is required for 1 m3 of rubble masonry?
    (A) 0.5 cu.m
    (B) 0.75 cu.m
    (C) 1.00 cu.m
    (D) 1.25 cu.m

8. What material is specified for the plinth of 1st class building?
    (A) First class brick work in cement mortar 1:6
    (B) Second class brick work in cement mortar
    (C) Third class brick work in cement mortar
    (D) Sum dried brick work in mud mortar

9. Who prepares the schedule of rates?
    (A) Engineering department
    (B) Contractors
    (C) Private agencies
    (D) Government agencies

10. What is the annual periodic payment for repayment of the capital amount invested by a party?
    (A) Capital cost
    (B) Annuity
    (C) Depreciation
    (D) Outgoings

11. What is the out-turn of mason constructing stone arch work?
    (A) 0.40 cu.m
    (B) 0.55 cu.m
    (C) 0.80 cu.m
    (D) 0.90 cu.m

12. How many nominal size bricks are required for 1m3 of brick work?
    (A) 500
    (B) 600
    (C) 700
    (D) 800

13. What is the equation for computation of volume by prismoidal formula?
    (A) V = (D/2) [A1 + A2 + A3 + ……..+ An-1 + An]
    (B) V = (D/2) [A1 + An) + 2(A2 + A3 + ……..+ An-1)
    (C) V = (D/3) [A1 + An) + 2(A3 + A5 + ……..+ An-1) + 4(A2 + A4 + ……..+ An-2)]
    (D) V = (D/2) [A1 + A2 + A3 + ……..+ An-1 + An]

14. What quantity of coarse aggregate is required for 100 m3 of 1:2:4 cement concrete?
    (A) 84 m3
    (B) 86 m3
    (C) 88 m3
    (D) 90 m3

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