Development of Surfaces and Solids Objective (MCQ) Questions - ObjectiveBooks

Development of Surfaces and Solids Objective (MCQ) Questions

Practice Test: Question Set - 01

1. Which type of surface generated by line, may be plane, a single curved surface or a warped surface?
    (A) Auxiliary surface
    (B) Edge surface
    (C) Ruled surface
    (D) Developed surface

2. Which shape formed the development of cylinder is?
    (A) Triangle
    (B) Rectangle
    (C) Square
    (D) Circle

3. When the development of the curved surface of a cone is a
    (A) Sector of a circle
    (B) Segment of a circle
    (C) Segment of an ellipse
    (D) Arc of a parabola

4. Which is the method of development of sphere is done by?
    (A) Zone method
    (B) Triangulation method
    (C) Parallel line method
    (D) Radial line method

5. What will be the top view of an elliptical plane when the front view shows the true shape?
    (A) A circle
    (B) An ellipse
    (C) A curved line
    (D) A straight line

6. Which is the most common application for development of surface?
    (A) Piping
    (B) Sheet metal construction
    (C) Mechanical engineering
    (D) Architecture

7. Which type of solid has two bases of parallel and equal polygons?
    (A) Pyramid
    (B) Prism
    (C) Cone
    (D) Torus

8. What is the shape of base a cone?
    (A) Square
    (B) Circle
    (C) Triangle
    (D) Rectangle

9. What is the method of development of a cube?
    (A) Parallel line method
    (B) Radial line method
    (C) Triangulation method
    (D) Approximate method

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