DOS and LINUX Operating Systems Interview Questions and Answers - Set 02 - ObjectiveBooks

DOS and LINUX Operating Systems Interview Questions and Answers - Set 02

Practice Test: Question Set - 02

1. Which DOS command is used to create a text file?
    (A) List
    (B) Type
    (C) Copycon
    (D) Dir

2. What in the result of the DOS command PROMPT $D$G?
    (A) Prompt >
    (B) D : >
    (C) Current date >
    (D) Current time >

3. How the directories under the root directory are called?
    (A) Dir
    (B) Path
    (C) Sub directories
    (D) Tree

4. Which one of the following is the directory separator in Linux?
    (A) "/"
    (B) "\"
    (C) "//"
    (D) "\\"

5. Which DOS command is used to list all com files in D drive?
    (A) DIR D :\ com
    (B) DIR D :\ com. *
    (C) DIR D :\ * .com
    (D) DIR D :\ * com *

6. Which character is used to represent parent directory in Linux?
    (A) .
    (B) ..
    (C) ~
    (D) *

7. Which character is used to represent a range of values in Linux?
    (A) "( )"
    (B) "[ ]"
    (C) "{ }"
    (D) "" answer=""[ ]""> "< >"

8. Which command is used to hide the file?
    (A) attrib -h filename
    (B) attrib +h filename
    (C) attrib /h filename
    (D) attrib \h filename

9. Which character is used to redirect output in to an existing file in Linux?
    (A) > 
    (B) >> 
    (C) < 
    (D) << 

10. Which Linux command list the contents of parent directory?
    (A) "ls ~"
    (B) "ls */"
    (C) "ls /"
    (D) "ls .. /"

11. What is the use of CD command in DOS?
    (A) Create a directory
    (B) Change the device name
    (C) Create root directory
    (D) Change the path of current directory

12. Which DOS command is used to display system time?
    (A) Now
    (B) TIME
    (C) SYSTEM

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