Practice Test: Question Set - 01
1. Which is used to tighten and loosen the waist line of garment?
- (A) Hem
- (B) Gathering
- (C) Casing
- (D) Pleat
2. How is called on the bias?
- (A) Warp
- (B) Weft
- (C) Grain
- (D) Diagonal to
wrap and weft
3. What is the name of lip piece closing the pocket mouth?
- (A) Pocket
- (B) Pocket flap
- (C) Pocket hem
- (D) Pocket welt
4. Which type of fabric is mostly used for piping?
- (A) Steel fabric
- (B) Lining
- (C) Contrast
- (D) Non-woven
5. Which type of zipper is hidden type?
- (A) Open end
- (B) Ladder
- (C) Concealed
- (D) Chain
6. Where the casing is used commonly?
- (A) Waist band
- (B) Neck line
- (C) Seam line
- (D) Shoulder
7. What is the purpose of frills?
- (A) Finishing
- (B) Decorating
- (C) Fastening
- (D) Trimming
8. What is the function of banding?
- (A) Folding
- (B) Reducing
- (C) Extension
- (D) Twisting
9. Which stitch is used to finish the drowsing holes in casing?
- (A) Running
- (B) Blanket
- (C) Stain
- (D) Herringbone
10. Which neck design is suitable for round face?
- (A) Square neck
- (B) U - Neck
- (C) V - Neck
- (D) Closed neck
11. Which fabric is used to construct patch pocket on formal shirt?
- (A) Self fabric
- (B) Lining
- (C) Non-woven
- (D) Mesh fabric
12. Which is used as a decorative purpose in neck lines?
- (A) Facing
- (B) Piping
- (C) Banding
- (D) Shaped
13. What is the shape of the corner if one hem width is wider the other side in overlapping corner?
- (A) Square
- (B) Circular
- (C) Rectangle
- (D) Triangle
14. Which is suitable for thin and long necks figure?
- (A) Flat collar
- (B) Standing
- (C) Scoop neck
- (D) Square neck
15. What is the permanent remedy for cutting of stepped neck corners?
- (A) Pressing
- (B) Using canvas
- (C) Stitching
with heavy thread
- (D) Starching
the material
16. What is the other variation of contour dart?
- (A) Standard
- (B) French dart
- (C) Double
pointed darts
- (D) Waist darts
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