Global Positioning System uses Multiple Choice Questions - Set 03 - ObjectiveBooks

Global Positioning System uses Multiple Choice Questions - Set 03

Practice Test: Question Set - 03

1. Which is the common choice of co-ordinate for specifying position?
    (A) Latitude, departure and elevation
    (B) Latitude, longitude and elevation
    (C) Northing, southing and easting
    (D) Southing, azimuths and elevation 

2. What is meant by the study of something without direct contact?
    (A) Remote sensing
    (B) Geographic information system
    (C) Tachometry
    (D) Ranging

3. Which is the common choice of co-ordinate for specifying position?
    (A) Latitude, departure and elevation
    (B) Latitude, longitude and elevation
    (C) Northing, southing and easting
    (D) Southing, azimuths and elevation

4. What is meant by the study of something without direct contact?
    (A) Remote sensing
    (B) Geographic information system
    (C) Tachometry
    (D) Ranging

5. What is the advantage of Photogrammetry?
    (A) Weather dependent
    (B) Covers large area
    (C) Costlier
    (D) Complex system

6. What is the distance between the UTM grid lines on topomaps?
    (A) 100 m
    (B) 1000 m
    (C) 2000 m
    (D) 5000 m 

7. Which segment of GPS consists of receivers?
    (A) Control
    (B) User
    (C) Space
    (D) Navigation

8. What is an advantage of digital over analog signal processing?
    (A) Digital system is difficult to reprogramme
    (B) Digital signal processing provides better control of accuracy
    (C) Digital signals are difficult to store without deterioration
    (D) More ancient signal processing algorithms can be used 

9. How many operational satellites are available in space segment?
    (A) 24
    (B) 28
    (C) 32
    (D) 36

10. What is the another name for exposure station?
    (A) Air station
    (B) Nadir point
    (C) Zenith point
    (D) Horizon point

11. What is an advantage of GPS survey?
    (A) Two dimensional
    (B) Three dimensional
    (C) Weather dependent
    (D) Only day time operation

12. Where the master control station of control segment located?
    (A) Hawaii
    (B) Colorado
    (C) Diego Garcia
    (D) Kwajalein

13. Which segment of GPS consists of receivers?
    (A) Control
    (B) User
    (C) Space
    (D) Navigation 

14. Which is an application of GPS for visually impaired?
    (A) MOBIC
    (B) GIS
    (C) Ranchers
    (D) Navigation

15. Which is an application of GPS for visually impaired in India?
    (A) Marine GOS
    (B) Drishti
    (C) Ranchers
    (D) GIS 

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