Internet Sharing - COPA MCQ Exam Questions - Set 04 - ObjectiveBooks

Internet Sharing - COPA MCQ Exam Questions - Set 04

Practice Test: Question Set - 04

1. Which One of them is Passive attack?
    (A) Denial of Service
    (B) Modify message in transit
    (C) Replay previous message
    (D) Obtain message contain

2. ECC stands for
    (A) Elliptic curve cryptography
    (B) Enhanced curve cryptography
    (C) Elliptic cone cryptography
    (D) Eclipse curve cryptography

3. The _________ attack can endanger the security of the Diffie-Hellman method if two parties are not authenticated to each other.
    (A) Man-in-the-middle
    (B) Ciphertext attack
    (C) Plaintext attack
    (D) None of the above

4. Which types of VPNs are used for corporate connectivity across companies residing in different geographical location?
    (A) Remote access VPNs
    (B) Site-to-site VPNs
    (C) Peer-to-Peer VPNs
    (D) Country-to-country VPNs

5. IKE creates SAs for ________.
    (A) SSL
    (B) PGP
    (C) IPSec
    (D) VP

6. Prevention of the unauthorized use of Resources refers too?
    (A) Data Integrity
    (B) Data confidentiality
    (C) Access Control
    (D) None of these

7. ________function creates a message digest out of a message.
    (A) Encryption
    (B) Decryption
    (C) Hash
    (D) None of the above

8. One commonly used public-key cryptography method is the ______ algorithm.
    (A) RSS
    (B) RAS
    (C) RSA
    (D) RAA

9. PGP encrypts data by using a block cipher called ________
    (A) International data encryption algorithm
    (B) Private data encryption algorithm
    (C) Internet data encryption algorithm
    (D) Local data encryption algorithm

10. Message authentication code is also known as
    (A) Key code
    (B) Hash code
    (C) Keyed hash function
    (D) Message key hash function

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