Practice Test: Question Set - 02
1. Which irrigation constant and continuous supply of water is assured throughout the crop period?
- (A) Flood
- (B) Artificial
- (C) Perennial
- (D) Inundation
2. Which is the main function of diversion head work of a canal?
- (A) To remove silt
- (B) To control
- (C) To store
- (D) To raise
water level
3. What is the name of the structure placed in river to increase the depth of water?
- (A) Barrage
- (B) Weir
- (C) Notch
- (D) Crest
4. Which is the main function of diversion head work of a canal?
- (A) To remove
- (B) To control
- (C) To store
- (D) To raise
water level
5. Which element of hydroelectric power plant reduce the water hammer pressure formed in the penstock?
- (A) Valves
- (B) Surge tank
- (C) Turbines
- (D) Draft tubes
6. Which method of irrigation is called trickle irrigation?
- (A) Furrow
- (B) Sprinkler
- (C) Drip
- (D) Border strip
7. Which method of irrigation is called trickle irrigation?
- (A) Furrow
- (B) Sprinkler
- (C) Drip
- (D) Border strip
8. Which construction is at the head of the canal to divert the river water towards the canal?
- (A) Storage head
- (B) Diversion
head work
- (C) Barrage
- (D) Weir
9. What is the total depth of water required by a crop during the entire period in the field?
- (A) Duty
- (B) Base period
- (C) Delta
- (D) Crop period
10. Which is the angle that the axis of head regulator makes with the axis of the weir?
- (A) 90° to 120°
- (B) 90° to 60°
- (C) 90° to 100°
- (D) 180°
11. Which irrigation constant and continuous supply of water is assured throughout the crop period?
- (A) Flood
- (B) Artificial
- (C) Perennial
- (D) Inundation
12. Which crop is grown at a particular crop season?
- (A) Culturable
cultivated area
- (B) Gross
commanded area
- (C) Culturable
commanded area
- (D) Culturable
uncultivated area
13. Which is known as spill way?
- (A) Water spread
- (B) Detention
- (C) Debris dam
- (D) Over flow
14. Which is provided in the diversion headwork to scour away silt deposited?
- (A) Fish ladder
- (B) Groynes
- (C) Barrage
- (D) Under
15. Which canal is constructed to feed two or more canals?
- (A) Carrier
- (B) Feeder
- (C) Navigation
- (D) Irrigation
16. Which is the sheet of over flowing water?
- (A) Head
- (B) Nappe
- (C) Upstream
- (D) Crest
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