ITI COPA Objective Questions - JavaScript and Creating Web Page - Set 04 - ObjectiveBooks

ITI COPA Objective Questions - JavaScript and Creating Web Page - Set 04

Practice Test: Question Set - 04

1. Which web server provides good customer support if it had any issues?
    (A) Apache
    (B) IIS
    (C) Lite speed
    (D) Nginx

2. Which part in loop evaluates the conditions?
    (A) Condition part
    (B) Increment /Decrement part
    (C) Initialization part
    (D) Looping part

3. Which is the first phase of System Development Life Cycle?
    (A) Testing
    (B) Planning
    (C) Developing
    (D) Defining

4. Which statement is used to handle the error?
    (A) Try
    (B) Catch
    (C) Throw
    (D) Finally

5. Which method joins all array elements into string with specified separator?
    (A) Join()
    (B) Pop()
    (C) Push()
    (D) To string()

6. Which open source software is used to upload from client to server or download from server to client?
    (A) PHP
    (B) Perl
    (C) HTTP

7. How many types of operation are there in JavaScript?
    (A) 3
    (B) 4
    (C) 6
    (D) 8

8. Which sign an ‘assignment’ operator in JavaScript?
    (A) "="
    (B) "#"
    (C) "= ="
    (D) "" answer=""=""> "< >"

9. Which error indicates that the numbers is outside the range of legal values?
    (A) Range Error
    (B) Reference Error
    (C) Type Error
    (D) URI Error

10. Which key is used to declare a variable in JavaScript?
    (A) const
    (B) dec
    (C) dim
    (D) var

11. Which assignment operator is equivalent to a = a * 5?
    (A) a = 5 * 9
    (B) a = * 5
    (C) a * = 5
    (D) a = 5

12. Which feature in JavaScript has properties and methods?
    (A) Array
    (B) Function
    (C) Object
    (D) Controls

13. What will be the output for the following JavaScript code?
      var x = 13 +”03”
    (A) 16
    (B) 133
    (C) 1303
    (D) 13 03

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