Practice Test: Question Set - 02
1. Which tool angle is ground to prevent the tool rubbing from the work in a lathe?
- (A) Rake angle
- (B) Clearance
- (C) End cutting
edge angle
- (D) Side cutting
edge angle
2. Which machine tool removes the metal from a revolving work piece with a stationery cutting tool?
- (A) Lathe
- (B) Shaper
- (C) Milling
- (D) Grinding
3. Which gear gets the drive from the lathe main spindle gear through the tumbler gear?
- (A) Spindle gear
- (B) Fixed stud
- (C) Change gear
- (D) Fixed
tumbler gear unit
4. Which part of the lathe contains the mechanism for moving and controlling the carriage?
- (A) The apron
- (B) Top slide
- (C) Cross slide
- (D) Compound
5. What is the purpose of steady rest in a lathe?
- (A) To support a
long job
- (B) To support a
shorter job
- (C) To support a
large diameter job
- (D) To support
an irregular shape job
6. What will be the nose or edge angle of lathe tool?
- (A) 45°
- (B) 50°
- (C) 60°
- (D) 90°
7. Which part of the lathe provided means of supporting the tool rest which holds the cutting tool?
- (A) Top slide
- (B) Head stock
- (C) Cross slide
- (D) Compound
8. Which unit of feed mechanism of a lathe provides different feed rates can be given to the tool?
- (A) Apron
- (B) Change gear
- (C) Tumbler gear
- (D) Quick change
gear box
9. Which part of the cone pulley head stock is engaged for reducing the spindle speed?
- (A) Carriage
- (B) Tail stock
- (C) Cross slide
- (D) Back gear
10. Which tool angle in a lathe will weaken the cutting edge in case of increase of angle?
- (A) Rake angle
- (B) Clearance
- (C) End cutting
edge angle
- (D) Side cutting
edge angle
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