MCQ Practice Test on Knowledge of CAD - ObjectiveBooks

MCQ Practice Test on Knowledge of CAD

Practice Test: Question Set - 01

1. Which of the following pointing device is cheaper while comparing the digitizer?
    (A) Key board
    (B) Puck
    (C) Mouse
    (D) Enter key

2. Which of the following software is limited for AutoCAD installation?
    (A) Windows DOS
    (B) Windows 98
    (C) Windows 03
    (D) Windows 10

3. What is the highest dots per inch (DPI) one can print a drawing?
    (A) 800 dpi
    (B) 1000 dpi
    (C) 1200 dpi
    (D) 1400 dpi

4. Which of the following shortcut keys gives quick calculator?
    (A) Ctrl + 6
    (B) Ctrl + 7
    (C) Ctrl + 8
    (D) Ctrl + 9

5. What is the use of function key F3?
    (A) OSNAP
    (B) TABLET
    (D) SAVE AS

6. What is the full form of CPU?
    (A) Craft Processing Unit (CPU)
    (B) Code Processing Unit (CPU)
    (C) Central Processing Unit (CPU)
    (D) CD Processing Unit (CPU)

7. What is the use of shortcut key 'H'?
    (A) Help
    (B) B hatch
    (C) Hatch
    (D) Hollow block

8. What is the full form of CADD?
    (A) Computer Aided designing and Drafting
    (B) Computer Aided Drafting and Drawing
    (C) Computer Aided Drawing and designing
    (D) Computer Aided Drawing

9. What is the lowest RAM in which AutoCAD 19 will work?
    (A) 1 GB
    (B) 2 GB
    (C) 3 GB
    (D) 4 GB

10. What is the use of the shortcut key 'M Text'?
    (A) Modify text
    (B) Move text
    (C) Multi text
    (D) Menu text

11. Which shortcut key does the work of ortho?
    (A) F6
    (B) F7
    (C) F8
    (D) F9

12. Which of the following commands has one major option?
    (A) Line
    (B) M line
    (C) P line
    (D) Polygon

13. What is the full form of GUI?
    (A) Golden User Installation
    (B) Graphical User Installation
    (C) Graphical User Interface
    (D) Geometrical User Interface

14. Which shortcut key does the work of Redo last action?
    (A) Ctrl + Z
    (B) Ctrl + Y
    (C) Ctrl + C
    (D) Ctrl + X

15. Which year does first micro processor was invented?
    (A) 1970
    (B) 1971
    (C) 1972
    (D) 1973

16. What is the use of ‘Q’ shortcut key?
    (A) Quit
    (B) Quick calculator
    (C) Save as
    (D) 'Q' leader

17. What is the full form of UCS?
    (A) User CAD System
    (B) User CADD System
    (C) User Co-ordinate System
    (D) User Circle System

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