Practice Test: Question Set - 01
1. What is Lead of worm ‘d’ in worm calculations?
- (A) Lead of worm
- (B) Lead angle
of worm
- (C) Length of
- (D) Tooth
2. Which surface of a worm gear is termed as throat?
- (A) Cylindrical
- (B) Flat
- (C) Concave
- (D) Convex
3. Which is used to measure chordal thickness of the gear teeth?
- (A) Outside
- (B) Inside
- (C) Depth
- (D) Flange
4. What is the use of splines on a shaft?
- (A) To slide
along longitudinally
- (B) Change the
direction of rotation
- (C) As idler
- (D) Spline hub
fixed stationary
5. Which gear drive is used to connect ‘two non-parallel, not intersecting shafts’ right angles to each other?
- (A) Helical
- (B) Bevel
- (C) Spur
- (D) Worm and
worm wheel
6. What is ‘Normal pitch’ in worm wheel?
- (A) Axial pitch ×
sine of helix angle
- (B) Axial pitch ×
cosine of helix angle
- (C) Axial pitch ×
tan of helix angle
- (D) Axial pitch ×
cosec of helix angle
7. Which method is suitable for worm wheel machining?
- (A) Shaping
- (B) Hobbing
- (C) Grinding
- (D) Turning
8. What is 6 in spline designation ‘6 × 28 × 34’, IS: 2327?
- (A) Inner
- (B) Number of
- (C) Outer
- (D) Diametral pitch
9. What is the formula to calculate outside diameter of worm wheel?
- (A) Throat
radius - module
- (B) Throat
radius + module
- (C) Throat
diameter + module
- (D) Throat
diameter - module
10. Calculate the pitch diameter of worm wheel having module 2 mm and number of teeth is 40.
- (A) 20
- (B) 80
- (C) 40
- (D) 160
11. Calculate the ‘Lead of worm’ its module is 2 mm and single start.
- (A) 6.28
- (B) 2
- (C) 3.14
- (D) 1