Practice Test: Question Set - 01
1. What is the maximum absorption limit for coarse aggregate under water for 24 hours?
- (A) 0.03
- (B) 0.05
- (C) 0.07
- (D) 0.09
2. Which type of beam has more than two supports?
- (A) Cantilever
- (B) Overhanging
- (C) Fixed beam
- (D) Continuous
3. Which is the disadvantage of reinforced concrete?
- (A) Light weight
- (B) Low
- (C) Low strength
- (D) Low
maintenance cost
4. Which part of building, the clear cover 25 mm or dia of bar whichever is more is used?
- (A) Beam
- (B) Column
- (C) Slab
- (D) Foundation
5. Which point of Contraflexure occurs in the section?
- (A) Bending
moment is maximum
- (B) Bending
moment is zero or sign changes
- (C) Shear force
is maximum
- (D) Shear force
is minimum
6. Which material is strong in tensile strength?
- (A) Cement
- (B) Sand
- (C) Steel
- (D) Water
7. How many days the R.B slab is kept wet?
- (A) Two to four
- (B) One to two
- (C) One week
- (D) 3 days
8. Which of following is the advantage of reinforced concrete?
- (A) Low
maintenance cost
- (B) Low
compressive strength
- (C) Low yield
- (D) Low shear
9. What is the initial cost of timber formwork compared to steel formwork?
- (A) Costly
- (B) Moderately
- (C) Cheap
- (D) Very low
10. What is the maximum size of particle in fine aggregate?
- (A) 2.75 mm
- (B) 3.75 mm
- (C) 4.75 mm
- (D) 5.75 mm
11. What is the distance between two yokes in column formwork?
- (A) 0.50 m
- (B) 1.00 m
- (C) 1.50 m
- (D) 2.00 m
12. What is the grade of concrete for the concrete mix proportion is 1:1.5:3?
- (A) M 10
- (B) M 15
- (C) M 20
- (D) M 25
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